Author Topic: APCUG Spring Virtual Webinar (VTC)  (Read 954 times)

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APCUG Spring Virtual Webinar (VTC)
« on: April 19, 2021, 07:56:37 AM »
Hello All,
This is a repost from SLO Bytes' parent organization, APCUG
Ralph Sutter

Welcome to APCUG’s
May 1, 2021
Virtual Technology Conference (VTC)
Click here to register--

Registration closes at 11:30 pm on Friday, April 30 PT
More information and bios:

You do not need a Zoom account to attend the VTC. Please update to the latest version of Zoom before attending the conference.
Unlike the Wednesday Workshops, you do not have access to the microphone. Please ask your questions in the Chatbox; the moderators (Bill James, Track 1 and John Kennedy, Track 2) will ask the questions. If there isn’t time for all of the questions to be answered, Judy will send them to the speaker and forward the answers to those who put their first and last name (only) into the Chatbox for each presentation they attend.
If there are any handouts for a presentation, those who have added their names to the Chatbox will receive them as well as the YouTube link to the presentation.
Track 1 – Presentation #1
9am PT – 10am MT – 11am CT – 12pm ET
Learn all about a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Don Arrowsmith, President
Philadelphia Area Computer Society
What it is; Why you would want one; How you can get one; and How to use one. You can run your own for free if you have the right router, network file server, or even a Raspberry Pi. There will be detailed information about setting up a VPN on a router with that feature available.
Track 2 – Presentation #1
9am PT – 10am MT – 11am CT – 12pm ET
Sharan Kalwani, President
SouthEastern Michigan Computer Organization
The Audio in Audacity!
Audacity is a versatile program that can be used to record audio, edit sound files, and convert them to various formats. Audacity is Open Source; it is free. It is readily available to the public for download. This tutorial is designed to introduce new users to the basic features of the program.
Avidemux - open-source software for non-linear video editing
Avidemux is a very simple basic video editing tool. Of course, it is free and fun to use. This tutorial on Avidemux will introduce beginners to use this to cut, join, split, rotate videos as well as add filters.
Both of these programs are free cross-platform apps: Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
Track 1 – Presentation #2
10am PT – 11am MT – 12pm CT – 1pm ET
Using the Control Center on your iPad
Brooke Thomas, President
Central Kentucky Computer Society
Brooke will demonstrate where the iPad Control Center is, how to customize it, and an overview of the different controls available within the Control Center.
Track 2 – Presentation #2
10am PT – 11am MT – 12pm ET – 1pm ET
Your Online Privacy
Joe Kissell, Author and Publisher
Take Control Books
Nowadays, it can be difficult to complete ordinary activities without placing our personal data online, but having our data online puts us at risk for theft, embarrassment, and all manner of trouble. Joe gives practical advice that we need to handle common online privacy problems and to develop a sensible online privacy strategy customized for our needs.
Track 1 – Presentation #3
11am PT – 12pm MT – 1pm CT – 2pm ET
Music in the Car
Ray Baxter, President
Payson Meetup Club
Remember when it was so "cool" to have a push-button AM radio in the car? This presentation will review how to utilize your existing Compact Disc collection, now that many new vehicles no longer have a CD player, by streaming from an online service, using Bluetooth, flash drives, smartphones, etc.
Track 2 – Presentation #3
11am PT – 12pm MT – 1pm CT – 2pm ET
Word Tips and Tricks
Jerry Heaton, Member
Central Kentucky Computer Society
During this presentation, you will be amazed at the available tools in the current version of Word. These handy tools will enhance your word processing experience. Speech recognition and editing assistance will also be covered.