Author Topic: Notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group Meeting of 11/10/19  (Read 1460 times)

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Notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group Meeting of 11/10/19
« on: November 10, 2019, 05:23:56 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group meeting of 11/10/2019.
TOPIC: Trees; images of arboreal specimens
Ralph Sutter opened the meeting by playing three tutorials that he created. They are
   Add Text to an Image with Irfanview;
   Configuring Irfanview to Play .mp4 Files;
   Using FormatFactory to Join Two or More .pdf Files;
Sutter then showed a slideshow of trees seen in and around Redding California's Sundial Bridge.
Ralph then shared a series of tree images sent by Connie Sutter during her visit to Westlake, Hangzhou China.
Kaye Raul followed with photos of trees large and small.
Bob Styerwalt aimed his camera at local fruit trees and bushes.
John Waller, in addition to showing the thriving redwoods of Yosemite and elsewhere, offered numerous images of dead and fallen trees forming natural sculptures.
Several members commented that most the deciduous trees of the Central Coast have not yet begun to change color or lose leaves.
NEXT MEETING Sunday, December 8th @ 2:00 pm.
TOPIC: One Spot; many images; Please share sequences of images shot at different times in the same locations

This will the last meeting of the SLO Bytes Photo Group this year
Ralph Sutter
« Last Edit: November 28, 2019, 08:47:16 PM by Alan J. Raul »