Author Topic: Notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group Meeting of 08/12/18  (Read 2538 times)

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Notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group Meeting of 08/12/18
« on: August 12, 2018, 06:22:43 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes from today's meeting of the SLO Bytes Photo Group
TOPIC: Symbols
The session opened with Ralph Sutter showing a series of images of trees growing in difficult places. View them at
He then updated the group on member Bob Grover's biography. An edition with full-color photos is available in the Kindle format at
Purchasing the Kindle version, those with Amazon's Alexa can have the book read aloud by saying to Alexa, "Alexa, tell Kindle to read Always a Quest".

Next, Ralph presented a slide show featuring company logos past and present as well as personal symbols.

Connie Sutter followed with shots of familiar icons taken from local signs and structures. They included traffic control, religious symbols and flags.

Bob Styerwalt
offered a collage of automobile nameplates and public works signs.

John Waller broke his images down into those with and those without text. Like other members, John showed nameplates and public signs.

At the close of the meeting, Ralph demonstrated how he downloaded an on-line article, saved it off-line and used Photoshop Elements to remove selected content.
The group couldn't decide on a topic for the September meeting, deciding to e-mail suggestions to Ralph at He will have members vote on the most popular option

Here is the meeting schedule for 2018
    September 16 (One week later than usual)
    October (The October meeting date has not been determined yet)
    November 11
    December 9

Home of Connie and Ralph Sutter
498 Hansen Hill Road
Arroyo Grande, CA
Map at

Additional information is on the Photo SIG web site.
Opening page:
Notes from previous sessions:

Ralph Sutter
SLO Bytes Photo SIG Leader       
« Last Edit: August 12, 2018, 06:28:57 PM by rsutter »