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Hello All,
This is a partial re-post of an e-mail that I received from SLO Bytes' parent organization, APCUG. It announces their upcoming Spring Virtual Technology Conference.
It runs Saturday, May 5th, 2018 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific time.
Ralph Sutter
---Re-post begins below---
You only need to register once; you do not need an Eventbrite account to attend the conference. Before the VTC, you will receive an email with directions and links for attending both conference tracks.
You can attend using your computer or tablet with Zoom software. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via a chat window.
Make sure you have the latest version of Zoom for your device. Zoom Client for Meetings

The web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting and is also available for manual download here.
When you attend the conference, please sign in with the user name and e-mail address you used to register for the VTC.
Register at Eventbrite
For detailed information about the presentations, including the presenters' bios click

11:00 AM PT
AI Assistants / Smart Homes
Joe Melfi, Mobile Road Warrior and Die-Hard Tech Enthusiast

Description TBD
Noon PT
What’s new in the Spring Windows 10 update
Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake-Sumter Computer Society
Microsoft is readying the release of its semi-annual update to Windows 10. The upcoming update is expected to be called Spring Creators Update - Windows 10, version 1803. There are several new and useful features coming your way with Spring Creators Update. Here are the headlines, they will all be covered:
•   Timeline
•   Nearby sharing
•   Focus assist
•   Password recovery for local accounts
•   Choose your GPU (graphics processing)
•   Windows Diagnostic Data Viewer
•   Mute tabs in Edge
•   Swift Pair
•   Better privacy
•   A better Microsoft Store
1:00 PM PT
Teaching Computer Skills to Seniors
Ray Baxter, Payson Computer Meet-Up Club, APCUG Treasurer
As we know, Seniors are special; some are up-to-date with technology and some are still learning about it. Ray’s presentation will give us tips on how to open the world of technology to seniors as well as enhance the skills of others.
11:00 AM PT

Synchronizing Your PC, a Guide to…..
Bill James, VP, Computer Club of Oklahoma City; APCUG Advisor, Region 8
There are numerous ways to sync desktops, laptops, tablets and phones.
From the complex to relatively simple solutions, this presentation will cover sharing over a network, local file sync programs, LANs, Cloud services and more.
Noon PT

What’s new with Ubuntu?
Orv Beach, Training Chair, Southern California Linux expo – SCALE
Named “Bionic Beaver,” it is a Long-Term Support release with 5 years of support for both the desktop and server version. What’s new?
•   Minimal install option
•   Faster boot speed
•   Easier live patching
•   New Linux Kernel
•   GNOME desktop environment
•   New default apps
•   New way to install apps
1:00 PM ET
Write and Publish Your eBook on Amazon Kindle… for Free
Bill Neves, Member, Silvercom Computer and Technology Club
In this session you’ll learn how to easily and quickly do the following:
•   Research your book
•   Write your book
•   Name your book
•   Format your book
•   Set up your Amazon Kindle account
•   Upload your book
•   Offer your book for sale, or free
•   Rinse and Repeat
Virtual Technology Committee
Judy Taylour, Chair