Spectrum has increased the minimum broadband access speed to 100 Mbps. This applies to anyone paying for the 60 Mbps service now. I spent a half hour or so on the phone Monday and first found out that the proper approach is to call Spectrum with a billing question and then tell the support person you want to get your account set up for 100 Mbps. It is probably a good idea to say the words "there will be no additional charge" at some point in your conversation.
I found the support person very helpful and friendly. She mentioned that I might have to reboot the modem (I did not), the modem I have might not be suitable (it is a DOCSIS 3.1 and works fine), and that if I needed a new modem Spectrum would give me one at no cost and no monthly charge. So far I have only seen it go up to 95 Mbps but I will continue to test it.