Author Topic: APCUG November Saturday Safari Workshops- Exploring Technology in Depth  (Read 393 times)

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Hello All,
What follows below is a re-post of an e-mail sent to me by Judy Taylour, Representative for SLO Bytes' parent group, APCUG
Ralph Sutter

Saturday Safaris
Exploring Technology In-Depth
Register here – 

November 12, 2022
9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT, 12 pm ET

Cyber-safety in the digital age

Bob Gostischa, Enthusiastic IT Security Expert
You always learn something new & have a few laughs.
Cyber-safety in the digital age. How we live, work, and play has changed dramatically throughout the past half-century. The 9-5 economics of years past have been replaced with globally integrated 24/7 service offerings. Consumers in the digital age have access to a host of services and products that could only have been considered available in the realm of science fiction. This presentation points out the dangers and offers suggestions that will aid in keeping you secure in this digital era. Using the right programs and apps can help keep you safe and secure and shrink your digital footprint. Using free programs and apps whenever possible to accomplish this goal is a bonus, and this presentation includes information on many recommended free programs.
It is almost time for Black Friday!
Thinking About Building or Buying a New Computer?

Roger Fujii, Treasurer, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society
Are you thinking about building or buying a new computer? Given the announcements of new CPUs and graphics cards, the introduction of DDR5, and the GPU pricing crash, now is an excellent time to consider building a new computer. Even if you don’t think you want to build it yourself, knowing what the parts are will help evaluate if the price is good for what you are getting. This workshop will cover the components needed and some pitfalls to be aware of.
APCUG Annual Meeting
Starts at 2:30 pm ET
APCUG Annual Meeting. State of the Union, State of the State, State of Your City, join us for a State of APCUG meeting. President Ray Baxter will talk about what is happening with APCUG, and he will also give an almost year-end treasurer’s report; Advisors will speak about their Regions, Judy will present information about various committees, Election Committee members will present a slate of proposed officers (everyone agreed to run again) plus there will be time for nominations from the attendees. To nominate someone, you need their permission. Then we will open up the meeting for our usual Q&A.
Here are the descriptions for Directors and Advisors.
Directors are responsible for running APCUG’s daily business. Each January, they elect the required President, Secretary, and Treasurer. An additional officer is the Vice President.
Advisors are responsible for interfacing with the member groups in their assigned regions. They are the information conduit between their groups and APCUG. Advisors submit a monthly report on their group interaction and contribute a quarterly article for Reports on their group’s meetings, etc. They elect a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary in early January.
Directors and Advisors have a combined monthly meeting via Zoom.