Author Topic: Speakers  (Read 3086 times)

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« on: September 04, 2017, 05:20:23 PM »
I am quite happy with my new Bang and Olufson speaker connected to my Amazon Echo Dot. Also easy to connect to PC. The sound is great as the reviews attest. At the Club meeting I had the speaker cone flat against the table by mistake and it still sounded good. B and O are known for high end products...this blue tooth or audio cable is around $100. Speakers can be added to it.  You won't believe the sound that is coming out of this highly stylized little bookshelf object. The S3 produces silky smooth, extra-thick sounding bass that is capable of effortlessly reaching so low without distorting or drowning the mids it'll put a dumb smile on your face. And what amazes me the most, the S3 sounds great at any volume unlike other speakers. But most importantly it stays consistent across the board. Bass doesn't lose its richness at high (super loud might I add) volumes. It’s really just the best sounding wireless speaker(portable or not) we’ve tested at this size and price bracket. If you want an indoor speaker that can be connected via Bluetooth and radiate the same amazing sound as you might be used to with wired speakers, the BeoPlay S3 is a good option, especially if you want something eye-catching, but not show-stealing in design. However, just don't go into the purchase expect floor-rumbling bass. It has some power to provide a certain richness, but clarity, especially at increased volume, was clearly the most important aspect. Good sound, in its essence, it what Danish audio brand Bang & Olufsen has brought to the world for years. This has not changed with the Bang Olufsen BeoPlay S3