Author Topic: Notes from the Photo Group Meeting of 07/09/17  (Read 3636 times)

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Notes from the Photo Group Meeting of 07/09/17
« on: July 10, 2017, 12:30:48 AM »
Hello All,

Here are my notes for the July 9th meeting of the Photo Group
TOPIC Deliberate Distortion
Ralph Sutter opened the meeting by calling attention to the two new listings on the Links page,
The first is for the Polaroid Snap Touch digital camera with a self-contained printer
The second, Affinity, is photo editing software that claims to rival Adobe Photoshop in capabilities at a vastly lower one-time purchase price
Sutter demonstrated the Focus Merge feature of Affinity. The photographer takes multiple shots of the same image, changing only the point of focus. Focus merge then takes the sharpest part of each photo and creates a composite image that is in focus everywhere.

Alan Raul showed how altering the colors of an image can dramatically alter its visual impact. He then used the editing program, ACDSee, to both purposely and playfully manipulate subjects

Don Jones shared photos of illusive marauding rabbits that routinely play havoc with his landscaping

John Waller mixed the whimsical with the artistic, using masking layers to stylize his dog and transforming a local country road into what looked like a meandering stream. He also took a step back in photographic history showing a landscape taken with a pinhole lens

Monica Tarzier enhanced images of flowers and pine cones in ways not seen in nature.

At the close of the meeting, Alan, Bob and John gave Ralph photos that they took at the SLO Bytes BBQ on 07/02/17. Raul will create a video slide show combining those images.  I have uploaded all of the images to the SLO Bytes web site.  You will find download links at  Please note that the images are in three zipped files.  They must be extracted in order to be viewed as individual images.  They should not be confused with Alan's upcoming slide show.

NEXT MEETING Sunday, August 13th 2017 @ 2:00 pm

LOCATION: Please note the new meeting place for August and only August
Home of Monica Tarzier
1657 Southwood Drive
San Luis Obispo

TOPIC: Books
This vague guideline will probably lend itself to a wide variety of interpretations

Ralph Sutter