Author Topic: Installing the new Windows V2004  (Read 1151 times)

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Installing the new Windows V2004
« on: July 25, 2020, 04:54:56 PM »
Understanding that the V2004 install takes a long time I delayed installing it. Last night I turned on the LA SF baseball game on my den TV.  Having previously done an Acronis backup on my computer I went to Settings, Updates & Security and started the install. It warned me of a long install and several Restarts. Around 40 minutes later it was done, I opened it, and instead of a new desktop I was given a long list of items regarding ads, security, speech and repairs where choices had to be made. At last I finished and was able to open my new desktop. I was very surprised that it looked exactly like the old one! So I tried turning on a couple of items which at first seemed O.K. Then things stopped working.  After unsuccessfully trying a couple of ways to get things running, I tried to open Task Manager, but it wouldn't. Nothing else worked so I finally did a cold shutoff with the computer switch. That worked and I did a normal turn on, this time all worked fine! I am still surprised that I haven't seen much new visually, but happy that the computer seems to be running fine!
Oh, the Dodgers won, 7-1 I think!  ::)