Author Topic: APCUG Virtual Technology Conference Saturday, 11/02/19  (Read 1571 times)

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APCUG Virtual Technology Conference Saturday, 11/02/19
« on: October 16, 2019, 01:59:27 PM »
Hello All
SLO Bytes parent organization, APCUG,. will be holding a VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (VTC)
Saturday, November 2 10:00 – 1:00 PT
I've pasted event information below
Ralph Sutter

 APCUG's Virtual Technology Conferences are FREE!

Registration closes @ 11:59 PM ET on November 1
•   Attend using your computer, tablet or phone with the app.
•   Download the app for the device you will be using at:
•   Sessions are 50 minutes with time for Q&A
•   Register once via Eventbrite
•   You do not need an Eventbrite account to attend the conference
•   You do not need a Zoom account to attend the VTC
•   Before the event, you will receive an email with directions and links for attending both conference tracks, as well as the Annual Meeting.
•   Day of conference, after connecting via Zoom, it is very helpful if you sign into each presentation you attend via the Chat Box; first and last name you used to register at Eventbrite.
•   Why? If all of the questions aren’t answered during the session, the rest of the answers will be sent to you. Or, there might be a handout.
Register at Eventbrite
 More information at:

Questions: Contact

1:00 PM ET
Saving Your Life with Technology
Ron Brown, Program Chair
Silvercom Computer & Technology Club

In this presentation Ron wears both his Doctor and Technology hats. We start with a fictitious patient who lives alone in an RV Resort in Mesa and develops some medical issues that nearly cause a death. We look at common medical problems in the elderly that can be helped by wearable devices. Internet of Things (IoT) can also play a big role in helping seniors with isolation and communication.

2:00 PM ET
What’s New with iOS 13?
Jere Minich, Program Chair
Lake Sumter Computer Society

Email changes, downloading/saving photos; methods and changes, user interface changes (keyboard, mouse) and more will be discussed in this presentation.

3:00 PM ET
Protecting Your Digital Life
Bob Gostischa, IT Security Specialist; Avast Evangelist
Staying secure and guarding as much of our privacy as possible is a constant challenge. Between phishing, scams, ID theft, ransomware, data collection, and mobile malware, it’s never been more important to protect our digital life. Our security and privacy are constantly in danger of being attacked from many sources and Bob will explain the importance of guarding our online presence. This presentation covers how we can protect our presence on the web as well as our computers (Windows and Mac), tablets, smartphones, and other smart devices.
He will also share what he uses to keep his computers and smart devices as well as his connected Internet of Things devices secure.

1:00 PM ET
OPEN - Your presentation could be here

2:00 PM ET
Android 10’s New Features
Bill James, Vice President
Computer Club of Oklahoma City
Gesture navigation, Dark Mode, Smart Reply, new Security and Privacy options, Live Caption and more will be included in Bill’s presentation.

3:00 PM ET
Easy Transition from Windows to Linux
John Kennedy, Webmaster
East Central Ohio Technology User’s Club

With the deadline for Microsoft dropping support for Windows 7 (and following that Windows 8.1) coming in a couple of months, many Windows users are wondering what options they have. They can buy a new computer which comes with Windows 10. They can hope that their older computer can upgrade to Windows 10. Or they can consider switching over to the Linux operating system which is both free and works great on older computers. Learn how easy it is to transition over to Linux with some cross-platform programs that you might already be using. John will be sharing the programs he used while a Windows user that he still uses as a Linux user. Using these programs will make the transition to Linux a breeze.

4:15 PM ET
2019 Annual Meeting
Please join us for APCUG's 2019 Annual Meeting.
•   President’s Report
•   Other officer reports
•   Committee Reports
•   Election of Advisors
•   Advisor Reports
•   Results of Digital Photo, eBulletin, Newsletter, and Website contests
•   Open for general discussion