Author Topic: Free APCUG Virtual Technology Conference 02/10/18  (Read 2975 times)

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Free APCUG Virtual Technology Conference 02/10/18
« on: January 21, 2018, 03:28:57 PM »
Hello All,
This is a re-post of information that I received from APCUG's Judy Taylour.
Saturday, February 10
10:00 – 1:00 PT
Attend the FREE conference from the convenience of your own home! All you need is your computer, tablet, etc. and Internet access. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via Q&A; the questions are answered by the presenter at the end of the presentation or via e-mail if there isn’t enough time after the presentation.

APCUG uses ZOOM for the VTC webinar presentations ( If you have not participated in a VTC, go to to download the app for the device you will be using to ‘attend’ the conference. You should also make sure you have the latest version of Zoom on your device.

Videos from earlier conferences can be found on APCUG’s YouTube channel

To register for this VTC, please click on the below link:
Spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to your members. VTCs are a great way for them to expand their technology experience and be introduced to new skills. Below are the sessions that are currently scheduled.

10:00 AM PT
 Social Networking: How to Navigate Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram
Abby Stokes, Author, “Is This Thing On?”
 Abby will explain what everyone is talking about when they bring up Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. She’ll also share how you can enjoy the benefits without risking the loss of your privacy and can avoid scams.
11:00 AM PT
Protect Your Important Tech ‘Stuff’
Toby Scott, Tech Guru, Channel Islands PCUG
From wildfires in California to hurricanes in Texas and Florida, Toby’s presentation will cover how to protect your important tech ‘stuff’ in the event of a natural disaster.
12:00 PM PT
2 Factor Authentication (2FA)
Ron Brown, Program Chair, Silvercom Computer and Technology Club
This presentation will show you a simple technique that can prevent unauthorized access to any of your accounts.
10:00 AM PT
Digital Terrorism and Hate on the Internet
Rick Eaton, Senior Researcher, Simon Wiesenthal Center
Forums offer a wealth of information for would-be terrorists.  ". . . different explosives, manuals, and lessons in remote detonation, cell phone detonators, rockets . . . ." Eaton says there also are lessons in kidnapping and guerrilla management.
"And many times, these are spiced with the political philosophy -- not only how to do it, but [also] where you should do it and what targets you should attack."
11:00 AM PT
Google apps at home and on the go
Phil Sorrentino, The Computer Club secretary and newsletter contributor
Most of us know Google as a website we visit to get answers to all kinds of questions, but there is a lot more behind the company and the term Google. Google is a company, a website, a number, and a verb. Phil’s presentation will cover many Google’s apps.
12:00 PM PT
Becoming Your Own Computer Expert
Philip “Phil” Bock, President, Lake County Area Computer Enthusiasts
Current club members (and potential new members) may have widely different levels of computer expertise. Moreover, the field keeps changing – new hardware, new applications, new software and, sadly, new security challenges!
Family members, co-workers, fellow club members and knowledgeable friends may be able to provide help when needed, but they are not always available or may not have the answer(s).
The solution? Become your own computer expert! It is not as hard as it sounds. In this presentation, Phil offers a two-step process to help with every day “how-to” questions and the more urgent “why” and “why doesn’t” questions when things don’t go as you expect: (1) already knowing the information you need, and (2) knowing where to find needed information that you don’t know.
Phil’s presentation is designed to elaborate on these two themes – Step #1 is to build a base of personal computer knowledge; Step #2 is to develop sources and strategies to get answers about things you do not know when you need to.
(As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. While Phil happily shares his version of this presentation, he anticipates that clubs who choose to do their own similar presentation will find ways to improve on / add to what he has put together. Phil’s hope is that we can share these efforts to the benefit of all.)
Virtual Technology Committee
Judy Taylour, Chair

Francis Chao
John Kennedy
Jere Minich
David Williams

Reposted by Ralph Sutter




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