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Messages - Doug

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Fascinating colorized videos of very early B&W motion picture footage.

Photo group subject of Water for the Sunday meeting.

       Variations of The Water Photography Theme

       Water drop photography
       Freezing objects
       Photographing in the rain
       Water droplets
       Water photography with reflections
       Water photography with impact
       Underwater photography
       Water scenery
       Motion related Steam*

Regarding steam locomotives, does smoke or steam come out of the smokestack?

Answer: Both.

*The smokestack is where all the expelled smoke from the burning coal in the furnace goes, but pressurized, used steam from the cylinders also exhausts into the smokestack and creates a draft in the system which in turn draws air into the furnace to assist in renewing combustion. Furthermore, there is usually a device called a blower, which blows live-steam directly from the boiler straight up the smokestack. This is can be turned on and off as required to assist with the draft in the system.

+Water vapor is the gaseous phase of water. It is only one state of water within the hydrosphere. Water vapor can be produced from the evaporation or boiling of liquid water or from the sublimation of ice.  Hydrosphere: all the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds.

Some Various Types of Water Photography.

Simple direct exposure: close-up, scenery, modified colors, light variations, Distorted imagery and photoshopping.
Various types and forms of water; clear domestic use, natural water bodies, oceans, frozen and ice formations, flood,
rain/sleet/hail, steam and vapor, contaminated and dirty.
Changing water to produce effects; electricity and sound.
High speed exposures and magnification.
Using water as a backdrop or setting to complement a subject.

An interesting video of man-caused river waves

The unhackable computers that could revolutionize the future.

Shadow Photography:

•   Flat light. When you have your light source facing directly at the front of your subject, this is flat lighting. ...
•   Broad light. ...
•   Short light. ...
•   Split light. ...
•   Back light. ...
•   Rim light. ...
•   Butterfly light. ...
•   Loop light.

How and when to use these eight (or so) types of light photography:

The above websites can help enlighten the membership on what shadow photography consists of.

This site has a lot of interesting information about cybersecurity.

Notions on the Photo Group's second Zoom session on a singular color.

Most of this topic is for the benefit of artists, especially painters, who can use these terms to define their objectives and creations. But also clothing manufacturers and any organization or institution that seeks specificity in the creation or analysis of colors. 

The lightness or darkness of a color is called its value.

Tints are light values that are made by mixing a color or hue with white. For example, pink is a tint of red, and light blue is a tint of blue.
Shades are dark values that are made by mixing a color or hue with black. Maroon is a shade of red, and navy is a shade of blue.
Tones are light values made by mixing shades of grey or mixing both grey and black separately. In Color Theory, a tone is any pure hue with Neutral Gray added. The color remains the same only less vibrant. The Values can range from very light to very dark.

    Hue – the name of a color
    Value – the degree of lightness or darkness in a color. It’s expressed by tones, tints and shades
    Intensity – the degree of purity or strength of a color (hue) or how bright or muted the colors are.

The attached color wheel source website:

This webpage gives a lot of descriptive detail on hues, tints, tones and shades:

Green has the most shades.
Green, the mixture of blue and yellow, can be seen everywhere and in countless shades. In fact, the human eye sees green better than any color in the spectrum. This, along with many other facts about this earthly color, makes it an essential part of our everyday lives.

Understanding the Color Wheel
•   Three Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue.
•   Three Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, Violet.
•   Six Tertiary Colors: Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, which are formed by mixing a primary with a secondary color.

The more one reads about the theories of color in art the more complex it becomes. For example, on defining shadows:
Shadows are Blue.  Meaning that blue is the general color for most shadows. Most of us think of shadows as being black, however, the shade black is a neutral color. The hue of shadow is in fact blue. And on it goes. 

Inside Ed Bott's home office: 'Two of everything':

Hi Alan,

At our Zoom session meeting on 11/1/2020, Sunday, you asked about how many persons were using a trackball mouse. I didn't comment due to the amount of talking but I thought you might like to know that I use a Kensington Orbit Trackball Mouse with Scroll Ring (K72337US) on my HP Omen desktop computer. 

I am very much impressed with it. My hand remains stationary and the cursor control, clicks and scrolling are all by fingertip motion. I can use it all day without my hand getting tired.

It goes for around $32.00 on Who knows how much elsewhere?

Hey Ralph! Get a load of this:

Raspberry Pi 400 is out: $70 for a complete PC with a faster Pi 4 in a keyboard.

The Raspberry Pi 400 comes with 4GB RAM, a faster Raspberry Pi 4 and a built-in heatsink to keep it cool.

Hi Ralph,

Just thought I would note that a hue (each of the three primary colors), is blended to bring about changes; Tint is a hue with white blended in , Tone (you overlooked this one) is a hue with gray blended in and Shade is a hue with  black blended in. After reading the Color Wheel Artist website information, it becomes very clear that color variations are a bit more complex in terminology than most of us have realized. 
This webpage covers it well: 

Check out the other pages: ,

Also, my surname is spelled with a small "p", all one word Depue

I have been thinking that as long as the group is focusing on color (hues) we might delve into colorization of black and white/grey-scale photographs and videos at a future photo group meeting.


General Discussion / URL's for the PHOTO Group's meeting on Sunday.
« on: October 10, 2020, 06:53:05 PM »
URL's for the PHOTO Group's meeting on Sunday.  8)

Color Wheel Artist website (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors):

Color Wheel Artist website (Hues, Tints, Tones and Shades):

Color Wheel Artist website (Basic Color Wheel)

Monochromatic colors are all the colors (tones, tints and shades) of a single hue.

A few observations on the color scheme:

Hue is the term for the pure spectrum colors commonly referred to by the "color names" - red, orange, yellow, blue, green violet - which appear in the hue circle or rainbow. ...

The primary colors consist of three hues (yellow, red and blue) from which we can theoretically mix all other hues.

COLOR is the general term we use to describe every hue, tint, tone or shade we see.

White, Black and Gray are often referred to as a color. A HUE refers to the dominant Color Family of the specific color we're looking at. White, Black and Grey are never referred to as a Hue.

Although mono does mean “one,” this approach to color isn't just using the same single shade in multiple places in your design. Instead, you can create a monochromatic color palette by choosing one base color (traditionally one of the 12 on the color wheel) plus any number of variations of that base.

Monochromatic color schemes are easy to create because they use only one color.

Monochromatic schemes use different tones from the same angle on the color wheel (the same hue).

Black is the absence of light. ... Some consider white to be a color, because white light comprises all hues on the visible light spectrum. And many do consider black to be a color, because you combine other pigments to create it on paper. But in a technical sense, black and white are not colors, they're shades.


Colorized and sharpened up version of the April 14, 1906, 1906 trolley ride down Market Street:

Morley Safer 60 Minutes presentation on the above trolley ride:

Black and White version with dubbed sound effects and improved sharpness:

General Discussion / Re: Oregon State Fire Map. Updated 9-15-2020.
« on: September 15, 2020, 03:31:41 PM »
A Facebook page for the Holiday Farm fire:

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