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Messages - Doug

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 16
Hello all.

Adding to the intrigue of World Wide Radio, I have coordinated the listening with accessing the locale with Google Maps City Streets. Many of the remote locations can be observed in high-definition imagery fairly recently taken by Google. For example, you can search for the radio station and view the source of the broadcast. Then, it is easy to mouse-click around the vicinity.

Instead of clicking on the green dots, a better method is to simply drag the Radio Garden map around until a green dot is encircled. This brings the station to life, usually after a few seconds of delay for tuning in.

This sure beats solitaire.....  8)


Every now and then something completely extraordinary comes along to sort of broaden life's opportunities. Radio Garden is one such item. Log on to the above URL and you will find yourself listening to KCBX in SLO. Scroll abound the globe and highlight and click those little green (to white, once clicked) dots and you will be tuned into a multitude of radio stations around the world. You will be listening to a particular station to start with, but if you would like to know about other stations in the area, mouse-click on the section at the lower left, and a list of them will pop up for your consideration.

This planet just keeps getting smaller. 

Microsoft November 2021 Patch Tuesday: 55 bugs squashed, two under active exploit.


Is that a quote from Confucius of the Cosmos?  lol. :<)


Great night photos, Alan. Nice scenery shots, as well.


Hi Ralph,

If a password manager should somehow get hacked, it would create a panic-stricken quagmire of contacting Internet accounts to bring about a new set of login keys (user names and passwords). I prefer to keep my passwords on paper and reference them visually, as needed. I make sure that they meet the criteria of sufficient complexity to provide a reasonable amount of security. If this is old-fashioned nonsense, please explain why.

As an afterthought, if your computer crashes and no backup can be restored, the data is gone forever. How do you identify yourself at the various Internet sites that you use passwords to access, so you can reset your login information?

Thanks for inquiring about this.   8)


Windows 11 hands on: Microsoft's biggest minor upgrade ever is all about new hardware.

Ed Bott -

General Discussion / Best internet speed test 2021: Test your connection.
« on: October 03, 2021, 07:39:43 AM »
Best internet speed test 2021: Test your connection.

Great photos, Alan.

Are you using an iPhone?


General Discussion / Best VPN for Windows PC 2021 - ZDNet.
« on: September 24, 2021, 09:19:39 PM »
Best VPN for Windows PC 2021 - ZDNet.

Any opinions about VPN?

General Discussion / Windows 11: Everything you need to know.
« on: July 14, 2021, 08:42:00 PM »
Windows 11: Everything you need to know (for the time being, anyway...):

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