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Messages - rsutter

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General Discussion / Notes from the Photo Group Meeting of 06/10/18
« on: June 12, 2018, 04:35:24 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group meeting of 06/10/18
TOPIC: Animals or Black and White

The session opened with Ralph Sutter calling attention to the Links Page where the group reviewed the specs for the Sony RX100 VI camera.
Sutter then played a slide show highlighting local tide pools and a recent kayaking trip on the Sacramento River. He interspersed images of animals with scenes shown in color and in grey scale.

Alan Raul screened seascapes rendered in natural light and viewed after adjusting the color profile to emphasize different color channels.

Kaye Raul gave Ansel Adams a run for his money with stunning black and white images of Yosemite.

Bob Styerwalt displayed a collection of pets and other critters

Bob Grover reminded us that horses are not the only animals that we ride. Grover expanded the category with elephants, camels and others.

Monica Tarzier, unable to attend the previous session on flowers, shared many shots of local plants.

John Waller offered images of dogs, both his own and those of others. They included carefully edit stop-motion shots of dogs at play.

Connie Sutter closed the meeting with color images of black and white clothing.

The topic for the Sunday, July 8th meeting will be Edit Free for All
Each member is invited to submit one or more photos for the rest of us to manipulate. Send the items for editing to me at
I will upload them to

Download as many of these images as you choose, edit them as you see fit and bring the results to the July 8th meeting to amaze and amuse the rest of us.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / SLO Bytes Second Session Notes - Sutter 06/03/18
« on: June 03, 2018, 06:36:33 PM »
Hello All,
Here are links to various items mentioned in my presentation

Bob Grover Biography, Always a Quest at

Panopreter Basic; This is a freeware program for reading text aloud and saving it as a sound file

Logitech SetPoint/Connect Utility to restore Logitech Mouse connection;

KMZ file; Kayaking the Sacramento River from Bonneyview to Bend (Open the file with Google Earth Pro to play a tour of my recent kayaking trip.) Open the attachment at

Kayak Trip Documentation;

YouTube Video of Kayak Paddle

My Yoga X1 2 in 1 laptop specs;

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
I faithfully update my computer to assure that I am running the current version of Windows 10.

When I attempted to update Windows 10 version 1709 to version 1803, Windows Update advised me that I needed to restart my laptop to complete the process.

I restarted numerous times, sometimes rebooting and sometimes shutting the machine down before restarting.  Whatever I did, the updater displayed the same message; I needed to reboot before the update could be completed.

Since restarting accomplished nothing, I tried a different approach.  I went to
and clicked on the button, Download Tool Now
That action downloaded and ran MediaCreationTool1803.exe

After a lengthy process with many restarts, the Media Creation Tool successfully upgraded my operating system to Windows 10 Version 1803.  (without the advisory that I needed to restart my computer to complete the process.)
Ralph Sutter

The session opened with Ralph Sutter inviting Bob Grover to speak about the recently published biography of his life, Always a Quest, written over the period of 5 years by Bob's wife, Elise Wäälen. The book is available at

Sutter then called attention to two new links on the Digital Photography web site. They are
Gimp 2.10.0; an open-source image manipulation program and
Meetup Group - How Photographers Think

Sutter then played a video slide show of flowers found both in his back yard and on Santa Cruz Island.

Alan Raul showed flowers shot in camera raw and then optimized for true color.

John Waller shared more flowers. Waller used ProShow Producer;, a professional grade slide show creation program, taking advantage of its numerous capabilities.

Bob Styerwalt offered a profusion of flowers as well. Rather than overwhelm the group with his many excellent shots of individual flowers, he added collages featuring digital floral bouquets.

Kaye Raul, frustrated that she couldn't export her images from her computer to a portable media, brought her MacBook Pro laptop to the meeting and displayed her sharp images via Ralph's Apple TV. Her images and her perserverance were well-received.

Bob Grover added a historical perspective to the meeting with a presentation of former members of the SLO Bytes Digital Photography Group and their field trip to the San Luis Obispo Botanical Gardens. Thanks Bob.

The next meeting of the Photography Group will take place on Sunday, 06/10/18 beginning at 2:00pm
The topic is two-fold; either Black and White Images or Images of Animals.

Learn more about the SLO Bytes Photography Group at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: converting text to voice
« on: May 07, 2018, 02:00:04 PM »
Hello Again Bob,
I investigated some freeware speech to text programs.  You will find a list at
I downloaded the first three on the list.  The third program, Panopreter, seemed closest to what you requested.  Download Panopteter Basic from
I have attached a video screen capture showing how Panopreter works.
I've noticed that you must be logged in to this bulletin board to view the attachment. To make the attachment more widely accessible, I also uploaded it to the SLO Bytes web site.
View it at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: converting text to voice
« on: May 06, 2018, 07:28:51 PM »
In response to Bob, I uploaded to Dropbox a video screen capture of how I used Windows Narrator and Audacity to create an .mp3 audio file.
I don't use Narrator routinely.  As such, the screen reader voices lots of unnecessary information.  With a more skillful operator, Narrator and Audacity together should be able to produce acceptable audio.
See my video screen capture at Capture.mp4?dl=0
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: converting text to voice
« on: May 06, 2018, 12:20:09 PM »
Hi Bob,
You can launch the freeware audio recording program, Audacity and then have Windows narrate. Stop the recording and export it as an .mp3 file.

General Discussion / Re: converting text to voice
« on: May 04, 2018, 04:56:19 PM »
Hi Bob,
Narrator, built into Windows, should do this for you.  No download is required.
Learn more at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Gimp 2.10.0
« on: May 03, 2018, 05:22:29 PM »
Hello All,
Gimp, a multi-platform open source photo editor, released version 2.10.0 on 4/27/18.  This is the first update in 6 years.
Learn more at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / New Version of PartedMagic Released
« on: April 30, 2018, 08:48:26 AM »
Hello All,
The disk partitioning program, PartedMagic, has just released version, Parted Magic 2018_04_30.
Learn more at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / New PUSH Articles Available
« on: April 22, 2018, 10:03:37 AM »
Hello All.
I just uploaded the latest batch of PUSH articles to the SLO Bytes web site.
PUSH articles are short write-ups that come from SLO Bytes parent organization, APCUG, the Association of Personal Computer Groups.
That organization periodically offers material for insertion in the newsletter of its local groups.  Rather than add them to SLO Bytes' monthly newsletter, HardCopy, ( I upload all of the articles to our web site.

The latest PUSH articles may be found at

You will find past batches of articles at

The condensed listing resides at
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
This is a partial re-post of an e-mail that I received from SLO Bytes' parent organization, APCUG. It announces their upcoming Spring Virtual Technology Conference.
It runs Saturday, May 5th, 2018 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific time.
Ralph Sutter
---Re-post begins below---
You only need to register once; you do not need an Eventbrite account to attend the conference. Before the VTC, you will receive an email with directions and links for attending both conference tracks.
You can attend using your computer or tablet with Zoom software. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via a chat window.
Make sure you have the latest version of Zoom for your device. Zoom Client for Meetings

The web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting and is also available for manual download here.
When you attend the conference, please sign in with the user name and e-mail address you used to register for the VTC.
Register at Eventbrite
For detailed information about the presentations, including the presenters' bios click

11:00 AM PT
AI Assistants / Smart Homes
Joe Melfi, Mobile Road Warrior and Die-Hard Tech Enthusiast

Description TBD
Noon PT
What’s new in the Spring Windows 10 update
Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake-Sumter Computer Society
Microsoft is readying the release of its semi-annual update to Windows 10. The upcoming update is expected to be called Spring Creators Update - Windows 10, version 1803. There are several new and useful features coming your way with Spring Creators Update. Here are the headlines, they will all be covered:
•   Timeline
•   Nearby sharing
•   Focus assist
•   Password recovery for local accounts
•   Choose your GPU (graphics processing)
•   Windows Diagnostic Data Viewer
•   Mute tabs in Edge
•   Swift Pair
•   Better privacy
•   A better Microsoft Store
1:00 PM PT
Teaching Computer Skills to Seniors
Ray Baxter, Payson Computer Meet-Up Club, APCUG Treasurer
As we know, Seniors are special; some are up-to-date with technology and some are still learning about it. Ray’s presentation will give us tips on how to open the world of technology to seniors as well as enhance the skills of others.
11:00 AM PT

Synchronizing Your PC, a Guide to…..
Bill James, VP, Computer Club of Oklahoma City; APCUG Advisor, Region 8
There are numerous ways to sync desktops, laptops, tablets and phones.
From the complex to relatively simple solutions, this presentation will cover sharing over a network, local file sync programs, LANs, Cloud services and more.
Noon PT

What’s new with Ubuntu?
Orv Beach, Training Chair, Southern California Linux expo – SCALE
Named “Bionic Beaver,” it is a Long-Term Support release with 5 years of support for both the desktop and server version. What’s new?
•   Minimal install option
•   Faster boot speed
•   Easier live patching
•   New Linux Kernel
•   GNOME desktop environment
•   New default apps
•   New way to install apps
1:00 PM ET
Write and Publish Your eBook on Amazon Kindle… for Free
Bill Neves, Member, Silvercom Computer and Technology Club
In this session you’ll learn how to easily and quickly do the following:
•   Research your book
•   Write your book
•   Name your book
•   Format your book
•   Set up your Amazon Kindle account
•   Upload your book
•   Offer your book for sale, or free
•   Rinse and Repeat
Virtual Technology Committee
Judy Taylour, Chair

General Discussion / Alternatives to Typing - Request for Help
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:23:04 AM »
Hello All,
I've begun working on a project to create text without typing.  I plan present it at a future SLO Bytes Second Session meeting. 
I am only considering freeware and trialware as opposed to commercial software.

One approach is optical character recognition (OCR).  The user scans a document and then uses OCR software to turn the image into text.
This is possible by pasting a .jpg image into Microsoft OneNote, selecting Copy Text from Picture and pasting the results into another document.

I found more OCR programs at  and elsewhere

Another approach is to use Speech Recognition software
One such program is Voice Notepad; an add on for Google Chrome - See

Please feel free to add the software/methods that you use.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group for 04/08/18
« on: April 08, 2018, 04:44:15 PM »
TOPIC: Flowers
The topic for the Sunday, May 20th meeting will be Flowers
Share images of flowering plants.

Notes from the April 8th Session; TOPIC: Circles
The session opened with Ralph Sutter screening beautiful images forwarded by Stanford Brown. View them at

Sutter then played a video slide show with circular objects featuring ceiling lights, spinning discs, coins and wind chimes.

Alan Raul followed, taking the group to local hardware stores with assorted pipes, dowels and fasteners. Raul occasionally applied color saturation and haze reduction with dramatic results.

John Waller took the opportunity to share pictures of wheels on farm implements and locomotives with a mix of round and spherical objects found in the heavens and around the house.

Bob Styerwalt looked to his home for images of paint cans and door knobs before venturing out to the seashore with circular patterns among the waves and the wildlife.
See the Links page;, for tutorials and other resources

Link to Notes of Prior Sessions;
Ralph Sutter

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