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Messages - rsutter

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Hello All,
At the SLO Bytes Linux meeting of 08/09/18, I observed that the disk partitioning utility, GParted greyed out the option to format a disk in exFat.  Supposedly, this ability was removed to avoid conflicts with Microsoft, the owner of the format.
Today, I opened GParted from inside PartedMagic version 2018_04_30.  exFat was not greyed out and I successfully formatted a partition to that scheme.

Before I was able to read or write to the exFat drive, I had to install a program via the terminal.  Open the terminal and type sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
Here are my notes from today's meeting of the SLO Bytes Photo Group
TOPIC: Symbols
The session opened with Ralph Sutter showing a series of images of trees growing in difficult places. View them at
He then updated the group on member Bob Grover's biography. An edition with full-color photos is available in the Kindle format at
Purchasing the Kindle version, those with Amazon's Alexa can have the book read aloud by saying to Alexa, "Alexa, tell Kindle to read Always a Quest".

Next, Ralph presented a slide show featuring company logos past and present as well as personal symbols.

Connie Sutter followed with shots of familiar icons taken from local signs and structures. They included traffic control, religious symbols and flags.

Bob Styerwalt
offered a collage of automobile nameplates and public works signs.

John Waller broke his images down into those with and those without text. Like other members, John showed nameplates and public signs.

At the close of the meeting, Ralph demonstrated how he downloaded an on-line article, saved it off-line and used Photoshop Elements to remove selected content.
The group couldn't decide on a topic for the September meeting, deciding to e-mail suggestions to Ralph at He will have members vote on the most popular option

Here is the meeting schedule for 2018
    September 16 (One week later than usual)
    October (The October meeting date has not been determined yet)
    November 11
    December 9

Home of Connie and Ralph Sutter
498 Hansen Hill Road
Arroyo Grande, CA
Map at

Additional information is on the Photo SIG web site.
Opening page:
Notes from previous sessions:

Ralph Sutter
SLO Bytes Photo SIG Leader       

Hello All,
SLO Bytes' parent organization, APCUG, has scheduled another Virtual Technology Conference .
It takes place on line Saturday, August 18, 2018 beginning at 10:00 am Pacific Time
The conference consists of 2 separate tracks, each offering 3 50 minute sessions.
Here are the topics
10:00 PM PT
What's New with Chromebooks in 2018
Ron Brown, Program Chair, Silvercom Computer and Technology Club
This presentation will give a brief history of the Chrome OS and look at new Chromebook laptops, Tablets and Chromeboxes for 2018.

11:00 AM PT
Tech Tips and Apple Tech Tips on APCUG’s Website
Jere Minich, Lake-Sumter Program Chair; APCUG Advisor, Region 5
Jere will share his sources for getting the info that is on Jere’s Tech Tips and Apple Tech Tips on APCUG’s website.
Noon PT
Digital Afterlife
Phillip “Phil” Bock, President, Lake County Area Computer Enthusiasts
With the myriad opportunities that the Internet provides, we are likely to have many online accounts. We are also likely to accumulate lots of documents, photos, music, videos and other digital files on our computers, external drives and cloud storage accounts. What happens to those digital accounts and files if we become incapacitated or die? How do we make our wishes known, and who will carry them out?
The Internet also allows us to live on (digitally) after our death, by leaving digital accounts open and available to friends and family and/or by enrolling in services which specialize in communicating posthumously on our behalf.
Interested in learning more about our digital afterlife? Phil Bock will take us through an overview and suggest sources we can turn to for more information and assistance.

10:00 AM PT
Digital Terrorism and Hate 2018
An update on the continued use of Internet technology by extremists.
Rick Eaton, Senior Researcher, Simon Wiesenthal Center
The web has become an increasingly popular place for hate groups to congregate, and in many ways hide in plain sight, using the latest trends in technology to communicate, organize and add members. Rick’s presentation focuses on what has become a critical global frontier in the marketing of hate and terrorism. The troubling increase in sophistication that extremists are demonstrating in spreading their messages online and the need for a coalition of corporations, parents, educators, non-profit organizations, and governments that can empower young people to mobilize in fighting hate.

11:00 AM PT
Linux and the ham radio "Internet"
Orv Beach, Training Chair, Southern California Linux Expo; Technical Specialist, American Radio Relay League
Digital mesh networking is one of the fastest growing modes in amateur radio. With the recent capability of moving wireless access points into the uncrowded adjacent ham radio bands, the ability to create a linked ham "Internet" has become feasible. The network is growing by leaps and bounds, and can provide services such as text messaging, webcams, video chat email, and VOIP (both dial-up and chat channels). All these services can run on Linux computers.
Noon PT
Evidence Based Medicine
Dr. Garry Sexton, President, Greater South Bay User Group
The goals of this presentation are to explain Evidence-Based Medicine, how to evaluate information, the strength of studies, the number needed to treat, how to make it useful, and websites that can help.

You only need to register once; you do not need an Eventbrite account to attend the conference. Before the VTC, you will receive an email with directions and links for attending both conference tracks.
You can attend using your computer or tablet with Zoom software. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via a chat window.
Make sure you have the latest version of Zoom for your device. “Zoom Client for Meetings - The web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting and is also available for manual download here.”
When you attend the conference, please sign in with the user name and e-mail address you used to register for the VTC.
Register at Eventbrite
For detailed information about the presentations, including the presenters' bios click here.
If you would like further information or have questions, please send an email to

Reposted by Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Bob Grover's Biography
« on: July 25, 2018, 06:40:14 PM »
Hello Bob,
I'll make it available at the next photo group.  Here's the link for the Kindle version
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: VGA to HDMI Adapter - Not Bi-Directional
« on: July 25, 2018, 06:35:59 PM »
Hello Again,
I received the VGA to HDMI adapter today and plugged it in to my HP 640 Pro laptop's VGA port.  I also plugged the USB cable in to that computer.  I then plugged the device into the projector.  It worked delivering both video and audio over the HDMI cable to the Optima data projector.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / VGA to HDMI Adapter - Not Bi-Directional
« on: July 23, 2018, 04:51:02 PM »
Hello All,
SLO Bytes recently replaced its 11 year old data projector with a newer model after the first machine stopped working.  The new projector, Optoma HD143X 1080p 3000 Lumens has many impressive features but only offers HDMI inputs.  Wanting the option to connect older computers with only a VGA output, I connected an HDMI to VGA converter but this displayed no image.  Since I had other HDMI to VGA adapters, I tried them all to no avail.  I then discovered that the adapters are not bi-directional.  If I wanted to connect a VGA output to an HDMI input, I could not use an HDMI to VGA dongle.  I needed the opposite configuration.
Here is a link that confirms that these devices only work in one direction.

I ended up purchasing another device,
It has a USB to audio input in addition to the VGA to HDMI conversion.  It should send audio from the USB connection to the HDMI output.
Once that I receive and test this device, I'll confirm or modify this posting.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Bob Grover's Biography
« on: July 22, 2018, 04:53:32 PM »
Hello All,
I just downloaded Bob's biography as a Kindle book, having already read it in hard copy.  The color photos really add to an already rich experience.
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
You will find the notes to my Second Session presentation at the SLO Bytes General Meeting of August 5, 2018 at
I'll be adding to it until the time of my presentation.
Ralph Sutter

Hi Bob,
I use a Startech USB 3.0 to Dual 2.5/3.5 SATA HDD Dock with UASP.  It works very well.
Learn more at
It doesn't accept IDE Drives.  There is an adapter at
I haven't used it.

I found a less expensive solution at
I have no experience with this product.
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
When I received from Alan Raul and Bob Styerwalt the photos of our recent BBQ , I wanted to make them available on the SLO Bytes web site as quickly and simply as possible.  I could have uploaded the batches as .zip files but dimly remembered that I had previously come across a way to give links to each individual file without creating a photo index.  Sadly, I had forgotten how to do that.

When I finally rediscovered how to accomplish that, I created a tutorial to remind me and others how to do this with an .htaccress file.
My tutorial is available from my web site at

Please note that this method only offers links to the individual images.  It does not provide thumbnails.

Before I figured this out, I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 to create the two video slide shows.
As stated in an earlier post, you may view them at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Photos from 2018 SLO Bytes BBQ
« on: July 09, 2018, 01:32:17 PM »
Hello All,
I just uploaded two slide shows of the 2018 SLO Bytes BBQ.  The images were shot by Alan Raul and Bob Styerwalt, View them at
This was a quick and dirty project using Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 -Slideshow Creation Tool.
It will be replaced soon by a higher quality sideshow by Alan Raul
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Notes from the Photo Group Meeting of 07/08/18
« on: July 08, 2018, 05:31:28 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group meeting of 07/08/18

TOPIC: Edit Free for All

The session opened with Ralph Sutter calling attention to the Links Page; He then opened the page, 27 Photos You Won't Believe - Or At Least You Shoudn't ;

There, we saw both final images and the tricks employed to achieve them. This served as an appropriate introduction to today's topic.

Prior to the meeting, members downloaded sample inages from and made whatever changes they deemed appropriate.

At the meeting, we compared the results. Some of us applied color correction or cropped the images. Others added objects to them not seen in the originals.

The session prompted a discussion of different editing programs and techniques. Encouraged, we agreed to repeat the format in the near future.

Our next meeting will take place on Sunday, August 12th at 2:00pm.  The topic is Symbols.  Each member is invited to share images of objects that evoke responses that take the viewer beyond the literal.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Rufus exe is infected - UPDATED
« on: June 23, 2018, 09:57:09 PM »
Hello All,
I downloaded Rufus 3.1 and scanned it with Windows Defender 1.269.1834.0.  No virus wasreported.
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
I recently purchased a Lenovo Yoga X1 2 in 1 laptop.  Lenovo includes Vantage, their utility for maintaining the machine up to date.  It integrated with Windows Update, adding additional updates specific to my computer.
I used it to successfully update computer firmware, perform driver updates as well as normal Windows 10 updates.
Earlier this week, I installed all of the recommended updates.  Lenovo also offered one optional update
Integrated Camera Driver for Sunplus (Windows 10 Build 1709 and later -10)[64]
Eager to have the latest and greatest for my new laptop, I installed the camera driver.  Mistake....

When the computer rebooted, facial recognition had disappeared from the login screen.  I tried to roll back the driver but to no avail.  I scoured the Internet, looking for solutions.  Finding none, I tried System Restore.  For the umpteenth time in a row,
that gambit failed.  A window appeared announcing that failure and suggesting that the failure might have been due to a conflict with anti-virus software.  Having seen that screen previously, I had disabled Windows 10's native firewall, Defender, prior to attempting a System Restore.  I fail to understand this failure since Microsoft wrote the software for both System Restore and Defender.

I moved to Plan B, restoring my C drive from a recent Acronis True Image backup.  That worked.  I regained facial recognition at login.  Basking in glory, I tried to open my Data partition.  To my surprise, it had been encrypted with BitLocker.  I needed to enter the BitLocker Drive Encryption Recovery Key. Since I had not deliberately encrypted any drive, I had no such recovery key.

Again using Acronis True Image, I successfully restored my Data Drive - un-encrypted.  Next, I consciously enabled BitLocker encryption of both drives, saved the encryption codes digitally on several removable devices and printed them out in hard copy.

Lesson Learned:  Think twice before installing the next optional update.
PS:  For those who opine "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" how useful is that mindset?  Do you pass on updating your anti-virus software because you don't have any known viruses?  I hope not.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Links to APCUG VTC Session of 05/05/18
« on: June 20, 2018, 08:59:04 AM »
Hello All,
This is a partial re-posting of an e-mail that I received today from APCUG.

Ralph Sutter

1. May 5 VTC Video Links
Create a Smart Home with Home Automation & Voice Assistants
Joe Melfi, Strategic Technical Marketing Engineer
Synchronizing Your PC, a Guide to…..
Bill James, VP, Computer Club of Oklahoma City; APCUG Advisor, Region 8
Teaching Technology Topics to Seniors
Ray Baxter, Payson Computer Meet-Up Club, APCUG Treasurer
What’s new in the Spring Windows 10 update?
Jere Minich, Program Chair, Lake-Sumter Computer Society
What’s new with Ubuntu?
Orv Beach, Training Chair, Southern California Linux expo – SCALE
Write and Publish Your eBook on Amazon Kindle… for Free
Bill Neves, Member, Silvercom Computer & Technology Club
2. Another New Column on - John Kennedy suggested a Linux column and, thanks to John, it happened. Since we are a tech organization, Judy Taylour thought we should also have a Chromebook column and reached out to several Chromebook users. Ron Brown, Program Coordinator for the Silvercom Technology & Computer Club, volunteered to send her articles. Annette van Ommeren (the person who put the website together and does the programming) created a graphic and the column was launched with 13 articles. If you love Chromebooks or are thinking of buying one, check it out.
3.  August 18 is the date for the Summer VTC!
Presentations scheduled to date:
•   Digital Afterlife, Phil Bock
•   Hate on the Internet, Rick Eaton
•   Linux and the ham radio "Internet," Orv Beach
•   Apple and Tech Tips on APCUG’s Website, Jere Minich
•   What's New with Chromebooks in 2018, Ron Brown
4.  Social Media
Does your group have a presence on social media? Can visitors to your website easily find the link(s) to your Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, YouTube, or Instagram pages?
Has your group liked APCUG’s page? Have you let your members know APCUG is on Facebook and that we encourage them to like the page? Lots of great information and tips posted regularly. (

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