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Messages - rsutter

Pages: 1 ... 21 22 [23] 24 25 ... 33
General Discussion / Re: Migration of SLO Bytes Web Site to New Host
« on: July 12, 2019, 09:20:57 AM »
Hello All,
Today, I completed the migration of the SLO Bytes web site from GoDaddy to NameCheap.
NameCheap mirrored the existing site so that I could determine if everything worked.  It did, including this bulletin board.
Over the next 72 hours, I expect the migration to be complete. 
At that point, I expect to see https in the url instead of http.

If you are a registered SLO Bytes Bulletin Board user and encounter problems with the recreated bulletin board, please post details here.  If you can't post, e-mail me at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Migration of SLO Bytes Web Site to New Host
« on: July 08, 2019, 03:09:36 PM »
Hello All,
Today, I signed up with to host the SLO Bytes web site.  The migration will take place in the next few days.
With the move away from hosting by, I may have to recreate the SLO Bytes Bulletin Board.  Whether the current bulletin board survives the move or not, it will still be accessed at the same URL.

I have backed up some of the content of the bulletin board but not all.  I suggest that users save locally any posts that they find relevant in order to have that information regardless of the success of the SLO Bytes Bulletin Board move.

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group meeting of 06/09/19.

TOPIC: Bridges; structures through the air

Ralph Sutter opened the meeting showing a link to listing some bridges in San Luis Obispo County. Thanks to Alan Raul for the resource.

Ralph then shared a slide show of bridges found in and around Arroyo Grande.

Connie Sutter followed with bridges found in Thailand.

Kaye Raul showed bridges and railroad trestles including shots from Huasna Valley.

Alan Raul presented bridges from Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo and Shell Beach. Most of his pictures were taken with his new Sony full-frame digital camera. Working from the raw images, Raul brought out rich detail without retouching.

John Waller offered bridges seen locally as well as in Yosemite, Disneyland and Nipomo. He demonstrated how he used the new Content Aware brush from Photoshop to remove a barbed wire fence from the image of the Lopez Lake Bridge.

Bob Styerwalt showed bridges from around the world, visiting the US, Canada, and Europe.

The meeting ended at which time Ralph invited everyone to build their own pizza and bake it in his recently completed pizza oven. Bob Styerwalt memorialized the event with photos.  His images can be seen on Dropbox at  and

Alan Raul did the same.  You will find his pizza party shots at

Monica Tarzier added to the festivities, bringing a delicious potato salad.

NEXT MEETING Sunday, July 14th 2019 @ 2:00 pm;
TOPIC: Signs;
Please share images that send messages with words and symbols
The tentative schedule for the remainder of 2019 is as follows
   July 14th
   August 11th
   September 8th
   October 13th
   November 10th
   December 8th

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
I just uploaded another batch of PUSH articles to the SLO Bytes web site.  View them at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / SLO Bytes Second Session Notes - 06/02/19
« on: May 29, 2019, 09:20:40 AM »
Hello All,
Here are the notes for my Second Session Presentation to SLO Bytes -06/02/2019

SLO Bytes Newsletter HardCopy

SLO Bytes Bulletin Board

SLO Bytes Presenters’ Notes

SLO Bytes Presenters by Month

PUSH Articles on SLO Bytes Web Site

APCUG Resources

APCUG Speakers’ Bureau

Notes from the VTC Conferences (Mark Zinzow on WordPress)

VTC Videos
Next VTC Conference:  August 19, 2019

APCUG YouTube Videos

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Acronis Disk Director 12.5 Available
« on: May 25, 2019, 09:54:40 AM »
Hello All,

Acronis Disk Director 12.5 has just been released.
The Acronis price is $49.99 for a one computer license.
Gene Barlow offers it for $25 at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / SLO Bytes Photo Group Notes - 5/19/19
« on: May 20, 2019, 08:21:25 AM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes for the May 2019 meeting of the SLO Bytes Photo Group.

TOPIC: Boats; images of floating watercraft

Ralph Sutter opened the meeting showing a video of sand paintings that gave the illusion of being three dimensional. View it at
Alan Raul suggested another sand painting artist found at

Ralph then shared a slide show of sundry boats that he shot while kayaking at Port San Luis and Morro Bay.

John Waller followed with boats seen in Santa Barbara Harbor.

Alan presented images of boats, large and small from paddleboards to ships.

Bob Styerwalt opened with the painting of a sailing ship that hangs in his living room. He then showed travel pictures of boats seen in Great Britain, Alaska as well as local waters.

Connie Sutter went small, capturing plastic toy boats floating on her pond.

NEXT MEETING Sunday, June 9th @ 2:00pm.
TOPIC: Bridges
Please share images of spans through the air

The tentative schedule for the remainder of 2019 is as follows
   June 9th
   July 14th
   August 11th
   September 8th
   October 13th
   November 10th
   December 8th

See the Notes from previous sessions at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / New URL for SLO Bytes Opening Page
« on: May 07, 2019, 12:52:34 PM »
Hello All,
I just changed the opening page for the SLO Bytes web site from to

I did this after GoDaddy, who hosts the web site, informed me that malware had been injected into the site through the out-of-date .php extension.
 I updated the PHP to version 5.6 and removed the suspect files.

Visitors who access the SLO Bytes web site from will get a message informing them that the site has moved to and that they will be transferred there in 5 seconds.

I am at a loss to explain why GoDaddy doesn't automatically update its hosted accounts to current versions of PHP and will be shopping for a host that does.

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
Today, I updated a batch of PUSH articles to the SLO Bytes web site.  They come to us via Judy Taylour of APCUG for possible inclusion in our newsletter.  Though I never do that, I often find articles that are both timely and informative. You will find them at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / April 2019 Photo Group Report
« on: April 14, 2019, 05:34:05 PM »
Hello All,
Here is my Photo Group Report for April 14, 2019
Notes from the meeting of 04/14/2019
TOPIC: Green; images of a verdant hue

Ralph Sutter began the meeting with photos taken along the shore and from a helicopter over-flying San Luis Obispo, local lakes and beaches.

Alan Raul presented images taken as he followed to course of San Luis Obispo Creek above Avila.

Kaye Raul revisited the village of Halcyon to photograph some brightly colored glass whimsically placed in the front yard of a local house.

Bob Styerwalt walked the shoreline near Shell Beach in search for green and found a dramatically lit window at home.

Connie Sutter brought her iPhone to the Getty Museum in Malibu and captured green vases, green foliage, mixed with local landscapes.

The tentative schedule for the remainder of 2019 is as follows
   May 19th one week later than usual due to Mothers' Day
   June 9th
   July 14th
   August 11th
   September 8th
   October 13th
   November 10th
   December 8th

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,

Saturday, May 4, 2019
ET 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -- CT 12 noon - 3:00 pm
MT 11:00 am - 2:00 pm -- PT 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Attend APCUG’s Spring Virtual Technology Conference (VTC) from your own home, invite some of your members to join you, have a Technology Tailgate Party with your club members or view one or two of the presentations at your same-day meeting.

Attend using your computer, tablet or phone with the Zoom app.
Download the app for the device you will be using at:

More information at:


10:00 AM PT

WordPress Introduction for Creating Websites
Mark Zinzow, Member, Rochester WordPress Users Meetup

Mark’s presentation will cover:

Contest Management Systems
Why choose WordPress, or not?
Hosting, DNS, and software expenses
WordPress jargon
How to create a WordPress site
WordPress plugins
WordPress help, tutorials, documentation, etc.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

11:00 AM PT

Are Your Bits Flipped?
Joe Kissell, Author and Publisher, Take Control Books

Just as a single “flipped bit” in computer code can bring an otherwise reliable app crashing to a halt, a single misconception in your understanding of personal computing technology can cause all manner of problems—including lost data, wasted time, and frustration as you live and work in today’s increasingly digital world. In this presentation based on his book Are Your Bits Flipped?, author and publisher Joe Kissell untangles common confusions surrounding the high-tech products and services we all rely on every day. Find out why conventional wisdom is often wrong, why you might be worried about all the wrong things, and how improved knowledge of topics like privacy, web browsing, email, and encryption can make you smarter and more efficient.

12:00 PM PT

Windows 7 Sunset
Greg Skalka, President, Under the Computer Hood User Group

Windows 7 extended support and consumer security updates will end on January 20, 2020; no more updates or fixes, including security fixes. Greg will discuss options for those who are still fans of Windows 7.


10:00 AM PT

Google Photos: 7 favorite features
Chris and Jim Guld, Geeks on Tour

Join Chris and Jim as they take us through their 7 favorite Google Photo features: Editing, All your photos in one place and searchable from any device, Shared Library – automatically save partner’s photos of you, Shared Albums, Make Movies, Google Lens for reding business cards, and how to Navigate to a Photo’s Location.

11:00 AM PT

Youth and Technology
Bill Crowe, 1st Vice President
Sarasota Technology Users Group

What will the world look like in 20 years? It seems that all the youth are so engrossed with their technology that they do not even know how to really socialize or communicate face to face. That is not all together true. They will most likely not have hunched backs and be couch potatoes at the age of 25 from hunching over their smart phones and playing computer games. That said what will happen to our culture.

We will learn about how our youth are using technology, how it can have both a positive and negative affect on them and what we as adults can do to encourage the positives and discourage the negatives. Bill has done substantial research on the subject and will be presenting his conclusions.

12:00 PM PT

What’s an App?
Jim Glass, President, Glendora’s Computer Club

What’s an App? Where do I get them? Are they secure? What can I do with them? Jim’s presentation will cover all of the above and more during our exploration of Apps AKA applications, programs …..

1:00 PM PT


Let’s talk about Websites. Do you use it as a recruiting tool? Or is it just for your members. Will a prospective member find information that will encourage them to attend a meeting and join? Bring you ideas to share....

Reposted by Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Linksys Whole Home WiFi 3 Pack - $149.99
« on: April 08, 2019, 07:02:17 PM »
Hello All,
I recently received an e-mail from another SLO Bytes member indicating that she had seen a Linksys
Whole Home WiFi 3 Pack for sale at Costco for $149.99
I am forwarding that information in the hope that some will find it of interest.
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
I will be the Second Session presenter at SLO Bytes General Meeting on 04/07/19.
I'll be speaking on my experiences in setting up a mesh network with the Netgear Orbi router and two satellite system.
I have placed my notes on line at

I welcome anyone else who has set up a mesh network or plans to do do to join the conversation.
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photography Group Meeting of 03/10/19
TOPIC:  Shadows
Ralph Sutter began the meeting by pointing out the recently added inclusion on the Links page to the iPhone app, ProCamera  It is an iPhone photo app - $3.99; additional add ons available;

Sutter then offered his slide show of shadows from objects illuminated by different light sources.

Alan Raul showed some footage from the 2019 Avila Polar Bear Plunge pointing out how he extracted some stills from video.  Then, forsaking his trusty iPhone Alan showed images shot with his digital camera. One striking image was that of a ring placed on the crease of an open Bible.  With overhead lighting, the shadow of the ring projected the image of a heart on the open pages.

Bob Styerwalt focused on the shadows of people, trees and other landscape features from outside his door, plus a series of hand shadows on a projection screen.

John Waller shared photos of his dogs and a striking image of a family member on a horse entering a dimly lit barn.

Connie Sutter used her iPhone to capture the shadows of patio furniture

The tentative schedule for the remainder of 2019 is as follows
  April 14th
  May 12th
  June 9th
  July 14th
  August 11th
  September 8th
  October 13th
  November 10th
  December  8th

MAP at

Ralph Sutter

SCALE Write-up
I had been looking forward to the 17th Southern California Linux Expo ever since I purchased a ticket in early December 2018.  I made reservations at a modest motel shortly to avoid the inevitable price surge as March 7-10 date approached. 

Sadly, my efforts in frugality failed miserably when my faithful 2002 Toyota Tacoma died three days before my projected departure.  Initially, I rented a car to make the trip but later bought a new Honda Ridgeline truck 12 hours before I headed for the Pasadena Convention Center.  That decision added substantially to the overall cost of the experience.

Alan Raul and I met in Ballroom A where the two day Ubicon track took place.

The first speaker on Thursday was Dr. Samuel Coleman, a Southern California teacher.  He explained how he created a 35 station computer lab with no budget using donated vintage 32 bit laptops, a Linux operating system and many hours of his time.

In the second session, Der Hans spoke on Software Management for Debian and Ubuntu using common software management tools and Snaps to simplify the process.

Next up Dave Chiluk presented the roadmap that a software developer should follow in order to have his or her project accepted for inclusion in the official Ubuntu repository.

Lyn Perrine, who volunteers to help write the users’ manual for Lubuntu, explained how she goes about that task, the software that she uses and the steps that she takes to make sure that she and other collaborators can work together without one over-writing the work of other volunteers.

Richard Gaskin and Nathan Haines closed out the Thursday sessions with a lively Questions and Answers session in which many of the attendees shared their Ubuntu experiences, challenges and solutions.

Friday opened with a historical overview of the Snappy Ecosystem, from patchwork early models to the current model in which the properly created Snap automatically installs the target program along with all of its required dependencies.

Ted Gould illustrated the Snappy process as it applies to Inkscape giving practical examples of how a developer should design a program so that it has full access to the processes that it requires but does not have access to areas beyond its needs.

In s similar vein, Jose Antonio Rey explained Identity Management, the steps taken to validate user credentials and the safeguards in place to enhance security.

The final session opened with Richard Gaskin inviting the audience to come up with suggestions for raising the adoption of the Ubuntu/Linux desktop OS from the current 3% market share to 6%.  We offered many suggestions, some practical, some whimsical.

In addition to attending these talks, Alan and I also talked with a variety of vendors in the Exhibit Hall, drank a lot of coffee and revisited some favorite restaurants. 

The two of us only scratched the surface in the workshops that we attended.  We followed the Ubicon track.  It focuses on Ubuntu and runs for 2 days.  The overall SCALE convention runs for four days and includes 14 additional tracks for a total of 219 presentations and 125 vendor booths.  I’ll be back next year.

Ralph Sutter

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