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Messages - rsutter

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General Discussion / Re: Installing Wordpress
« on: March 24, 2020, 02:07:53 PM »
Hello Russ,
I managed to install WordPress locally; on my computer but not on line.
Here's how I did it.

Download the freeware program, AMPPS;

Install it on the computer where you will test WordPress

Use Softaculous inside AMPPS to install WordPress

Use Local Host in AMPPS to launch your local version of WordPress.

The process may sound complicated.  It isn't  I've included two video screen captures that show exactly how I completed the process.  This video shows how do download and install AAMPS.  You need it to set up Softaculous, the Apache Server and the data base  This video shows how to launch WordPress from inside AAMPS.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Installing Wordpress
« on: March 23, 2020, 08:15:55 AM »
Hi Russ,
If you already have a web  host, that company probably allows you to install WordPress from a script.  In my case, my host, NameCheap, uses the Fantastico installer.
Other hosts use Softalicious or similar programs.
A good tutorial for how to install WordPress can be found at

General Discussion / Re: Opening mail in Edge
« on: March 01, 2020, 09:24:45 AM »
Hi Dick,
Try this
In the Windows Search Window (Next to Start Button in lower left of screen) type default apps
For e-mail, change the app that opens Outlook from IE to Edge.
In my case, I have the default app for opening e-mail set to Outlook, not a browser

Please let me know if this is the solution for your request.


Hello All,
This off topic post shows how I adapted a Kreg Accu Cut Circular Saw Track Guide so that I could use it with a Skil 77 worm drive circular saw.
The track guide comes with a base plate that attaches to the circular saw allowing the saw to run along an aluminum track for accurate cutting across 4x8 sheets of plywood.
The design is an improvement over simply clamping a straight edge to a sheet of plywood and using the straight edge to guide the cut.
The aluminum track with its moveable indexing line allows for accurate, repeatable cuts without guesswork.
However, when I tried to mount my Skill 77 circular saw on the Kreg Accu Cut Sled, I discovered that I couldn't.  There was no position in which the adjustable hold-down
ears on the sled could clamp on the sole plate of the saw.  The saw depth mechanism got in the way so that I couldn't secure the left hand ear to the sole plate.

I solved the problem by fashioning an extension to that ear.  It was made from 1/4" thick aluminum.  I drilled a 9/32" hole on one end of the adapter allowing it to attach to the original
ear with a 1/4" x20 bolt.  The hole was deliberately oversized and not threaded so that it could pivot freely.  On the other end of the adapter, I drilled a 3/16" hole and tapped it to 1/4"x20.

Hello All,
Ubuntu is a Linux based operating system and an alternative to Windows and Mac OSs.
Users of Ubuntu can choose their desktop environment and switch seamlessly from one to another at startup.
If the user only installs one desktop environment, he or she doesn't have to wonder which one is in use.
I use multiple environments and sometimes forget which one I am running. 
Of course, I could restart my computer and pay attention to the one that I selected but there is a quicker, simpler solution.
Open the Terminal and type echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
Doing so will reveal the name of the environment that you are currently running
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Title for a desktop picture wallpaper
« on: February 13, 2020, 06:31:41 PM »
Hi Dick,
Here is what I would do.
1.  Select the image that will be your wallpaper.  If you want to use your current desktop as wallpaper, right click on an open area on the desktop and hover the mouse cursor over View.  Uncheck the box Show Desktop Icons
2.  Do a screen capture of the wallpaper with no icons by pressing the Print Screen key.  That copies the screen to the clipboard.
3.  Open your favorite image editor.  If using Paint, open that program and paste your clipboard image into a blank image using Ctrl V (Paste)
4.  The third box (Tools) on the task bar of Paint contains an icon of a capital A.  Click on that to write text anywhere on the image.  Adjust the font size and font color and text location to suit your preferences.
5.  Save the image somewhere where you can find it again (the desktop for example)
6.  Right click on the image and choose Set as Desktop Background
7.  Once that your chosen image becomes the wallpaper background, make sure that you repeat Step 1 above and recheck Show Desktop Icons

General Discussion / Re: Organizing Edge Favorites
« on: February 03, 2020, 09:33:58 AM »
Hi Dick,
I've made a video screen shot of how you can organize favorites in the latest version of Microsoft Edge.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / APCUG Virtual Technology Conference - 2/8/20
« on: January 18, 2020, 08:36:01 AM »
Hello All,
I'm re-posting an invitation to attend a VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE organized by SLO Bytes' parent organization, APCUG
Ralph Sutter

(APCUG's Virtual Technology Conferences are FREE!)

Saturday, February 8
10:00 – 1:00 PT
Registration closes @ 8:30 PM PT on February 7
  Attend using your computer, tablet or phone with the app.
  Download the app for the device you will be using at:
  Sessions are 50 minutes with time for Q&A
  Register once via Eventbrite
  You do not need an Eventbrite account to attend the conference
  You do not need a Zoom account to attend the VTC
  Before the event, you will receive an email with directions and links for attending Tracks 1 and 2.
  Day of conference, after connecting via Zoom, it is very helpful if you sign into each presentation you attend via the Chat Box; first and last name you used to register at Eventbrite.
  Why? If all of the questions aren’t answered during the session, the rest of the answers will be sent to you. Or, there might be a handout.
Register at Eventbrite;
 More information at:
Here's the lineup

10:00 AM PT
The Browser – Your Most Important App
Hewie Poplock, APCUG Rep, Central Florida Computer Society & Sarasota Technology User Group; Chromebook Evangelist
The computer program or app that we all use the most is the browser. A browser, which is short for web browser, is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content on the World Wide Web or Internet. Hewie will describe some of the important features of browsers and describe many important settings used in most browsers. He will also talk about little add-on programs called extensions for browsers, including where to find them, how to add them, and talk about some that he has found invaluable.
11:00 AM PT
What will 5G mean to you?
Ron Brown, Program Coordinator, Silvercom Computer & Technology Club
Getting started in researching your Family History (Even if you have been researching for years)
Jeri Steele, Genealogist

Whether you are just getting started or have been researching your family history for years, Jeri presents some steps to organize, plan, document, and record your work. These steps keep you moving forward with your research instead of getting buried in the details. Case studies will be presented as examples.
10:00 AM PT
Future of Technology
Dave Dockery, President
Tampa Bay Technology Society
While it’s obvious that change in the world has been speeding up in the last several years, Doc will explain why the world is going to speed up even more in the future.  What does that mean for those of us who want to keep abreast of all of the coming changes.
11:00 AM PT
Introduction to Home Automation
Bill James, Vice President
Computer Club of Oklahoma City
Bill’s presentation covers: What is home automation, how to get started, what is required, two approaches – device or system, commercial home automation and security systems, do it yourself devices, types of hubs or controllers, security and privacy.
Creating a Podcast for your group
Michael Crose, Board Member and Podcast Creator
Tampa Bay Technology Center
Is there a podcast in your group’s future? Michael’s presentation covers:
What is a podcast?
What can you podcast about?
How hard is it to start a podcast?
What kind of equipment and software do you need?
Do you need a website?
How do you get your podcast out there?




General Discussion / Windows Start Menu - Link to any file
« on: January 15, 2020, 07:32:57 PM »
Hello All,
I created a how-to screen capture video explaining in detail how to use a particular piece of software in the hope that the user would find it useful. 
My challenge was to put that file somewhere obvious so the user could find it.  I opted for the Windows Start Menu.
Here's how I did it.
Create a shortcut to the file by right-clicking on the file name listing in File Explorer and choose Create Shortcut
In File Explorer, open Windows (C)
Click on ProgramData
Click on Microsoft
Click on Windows
Click on Start Menu
Click on Programs
Paste the Shortcut that you created in Step 1 into the Programs folder
That shortcut will appear on the Start Menu
Ralph Sutter


General Discussion / Re: Logitech Mice Don't Remember Customizations
« on: January 15, 2020, 09:13:05 AM »
Hello All,
I wanted to see if I could get XMouseButtonControl to load at Start, bypassing the need to launch it manually with every reboot. 
I found out how.  It's easy.  Opt for the normal installation, not the Portable one. 
That action loads it at Startup.  If you decide that you don't want it to run at startup, simply uncheck the box in the Startup menu
Access the Startup Menu by holding down the Ctrl and Alt keys and pressing the Delete key.
At the next screen, click on Task Manager
Click on the Startup tab, Place the cursor over X-Mouse Button Control and click the Disable button in the lower right corner.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Logitech Mice Don't Remember Customizations
« on: January 14, 2020, 09:03:34 AM »
No joke.  I know that experience all too well.
I don't have a good answer for Where did I leave the last tool that I just had in my hand.
Whenever possible, I write information down.  Someone observed that the dullest pencil is sharper than the keenest mind.

With digital devices, I try to do a video screen capture of what I did to accomplish the task and then save that video on my server.
For this, I use Techsmith Snagit;
I have created numerous on-line tutorials, not so much to inform others but rather to remind me of the various steps that I took to get
the desired result.  See
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Logitech Mice Don't Remember Customizations
« on: January 13, 2020, 03:40:05 PM »
Hello All,
I have been using  XMouseButtonControl 2.18.8 for several days.  I've noticed that it allows me to paste by pressing down on the Logitech Scrolling Button as long as I don't restart the computer.
After a restart, I have to re-launch the software.
The software developer indicates that his program will automatically create an icon next to the clock on the taskbar allowing one to relaunch the program by clicking on that icon.  The icon didn't appear for me.

I created a work-around by opening the folder were I stored XMouseButtonControl 2.18.8, navigating to the folder 64 bit (x64), right clicking on the file XMouseButtonControl.exe and creating a Shortcut to it.
I then cut the shortcut from that folder, pasted it on my Desktop, dragged it to my Taskbar and then deleted the shortcut from the desktop.
That allows me to click on the taskbar icon and relaunch the program, maintaining the ability to paste by depressing the scroll wheel.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / SLO Bytes Photo Group Notes for 01/12/20
« on: January 13, 2020, 01:55:33 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my Notes for the SLO Bytes Photo Group session of 01/12/20

TOPIC: Photo Editing Software; Please share images that you modified using your favorite image manipulation software.

Ralph Sutter opened the meeting, calling the group's attention to several recent posts on the Links Page of the group's web site. See
   Screen Capture Tutorial; Luminar 4 Sky Replacement;
   on YouTube at
   Skylum Luminar as an Adobe Photoshop Elements Plug-in;
   Luminar 4 Update Available; Open Luminar 4, Click on Help/Check for Updates;

Ralph then showed images that he had manipulated using the Sky Replacement feature of Luminar 4.

Alan Raul distributed a list of the software that he uses to alter images;
See his list here Alan demonstrated several of the possibilities that the programs make possible.

Kaye Raul improved some already crisp images using color adjustments available in Luminar.

Linda Styerwalt likewise explored how she could improve photos with that software.

John Waller moved beyond Skylum Luminar, using advanced techniques in Adobe Photoshop.

Here are the revised tentative dates for the meetings of this group in 2020 The next three meetings have been moved back one week due to intervening schedules/holidays
   February 16th
   March 15th
   April 19th
   May 17th
   June 14th
   July 12th
   August 9th
   September 13th
   October 11th
   November 8th
   December 13th

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: PHOTODEX IS SHUTTING DOWN
« on: January 11, 2020, 07:54:48 PM »
Hello All,
I too liked Photodex software.  I'll miss the Proshow Producer Music Library.  It's sad to note that the alternative software that Photodex recommends, Photopia, is a subscription service costing between $99.95 and $249.95/yr depending on the program.  I won't be using either product.  I am currently downloading PTE AV Studio; (30 day free trial) 
The product is a one time purchase of $69 or $139 depending on the version.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Logitech Mice Don't Remember Customizations
« on: January 09, 2020, 02:37:30 PM »
Hello All,
My pointing device of choice is a Logitech M570 Trackball.  Logitech software supposedly allows the user to customize certain mouse actions.  I always set mine so that when I click the scrolling button, it pastes anything on the clipboard into the document wherever the cursor is located. 
I find this very convenient.  However, after a short period of time, (minutes, hours or days depending on the whims of the Cybergods), that functionality disappears.  Sometimes, I can regain it by opening the Mouse and Keyboard setting from the search window, clicking Apply and restoring the Paste function. 
When this doesn't work, I uninstall the Logitech software and make sure that I reinstall SetPoint6.68.250_64.exe, not a later version.  I did that again today and restored the Paste option for about 10 minutes.  After that time, my trackball reverted to scrolling when I clicked the middle mouse button.

I searched Logitech's web site looking for a solution but found none.  However, I did find an independent developer who wrote his own mouse control program.  It is called XMouseButtonControl 2.18.8.  I opted for the portable version.
It supposedly works on Microsoft Windows from XP onward.  I have installed and configured it so that pressing the Scroll button pastes the clipboard content.  I also adjusted the cursor speed.  So far, I'm pleased with the free software.  I'll report back after I've used it for a while.
Learn more or download from (Once there, click on the link X Mouse Button Control)

X Mouse Button Control continues to work well for me.  I created two tutorials related to this software
  XMouseButtonControl; enables mouse/trackball configurations that Logitech can't remember; and
  Video Screen Capture of XMouseButtonControl setup;

Ralph Sutter

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