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Messages - rsutter

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General Discussion / Machine Translation from Japanese to English
« on: February 20, 2021, 12:18:57 PM »
Hello All,
Some time ago, I purchased a noodle maker for making Udon noodles from scratch.

Though the device shipped from Japan, it arrived in short order.  Eager to try it out, I opened the box.  It consisted of a hand cranked machine with rollers to flatten dough and 4 interchangeable cutting modules to produce pasta of different widths.

It included a detailed instruction manual/recipe book.  Unfortunately for me, it was in Japanese, a language that I do not read.

Out of curiosity, today I scanned a page of the manual and saved a small section of that page as a .pdf file.
Next, I searched on-line for a free optical character recognition program that could turn my image to characters.  I found Convertio; and uploaded my .pdf image.  Convertio offers to translate 10 submissions for free.  After that, the charge is $7.99 for 100 pages.  Convertio performed OCR and produced a transcript for download.  Mind you as expected,  the text was in Japanese.

I then went to Google Translate;  and pasted the Japanese characters into the program.  Soon, Google Translate transformed the text into English.

Amazing technology.

What had been translated? 
"Put ①, strong flour and potato starch in a sea urchin bowl and mix them roughly like cutting with a rubber spatula.
If you don't have enough water, add a little hot water."

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Airplane Mode
« on: February 18, 2021, 06:22:55 PM »
Hi Dick,
I would turn off Airplane mode on a desktop computer.
Here's what happens if you have it turned on

"Airplane Mode disables wireless communication on your PC, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and cellular data. This feature can be enabled through the taskbar icon in the Notifications section, a keyboard shortcut, the Network & Internet Settings, or a switch found on some computers."

Learn more at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Thunderbird email problems
« on: February 18, 2021, 11:47:33 AM »
Hi Dave,
I don't have any special insights as to how to fix Thunderbird.
I use the freeware program, Bluemail as an alternate to my default e-mail client, Outlook on Office 365.
Bluemail is cross-platform and easy to set up.
Learn more at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Notes from the Photo Group Meeting of 02/14/2021
« on: February 16, 2021, 12:32:19 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my Notes from the Photo Group meeting of 02/14/2021

TOPIC: Close-up Photography  The meeting took place via Zoom
With this meeting, the Photography Group implemented the new meeting schedule shown above. It was successful with broad participation across all segments.

In the First Segment, Doug Depue provided numerous images of flowers and other objects from his portfolio.

John Waller led off the Second Segment with details of Big Falls, Little Falls, Nojoqui Falls, Salmon Creek and his pet dog.

Ralph Sutter showed thumbnail images found in his tutorial on creating a router jig for fluting screwdriver handles turned on a wood lathe.

Stanford Brown followed with closeups of pier planks, rusty nails and Toyon berries.

Bob Styerwalt continued sharing images of flowers, door hardware and several very sharp images of assorted items attached to a wall plaque.

Connie Sutter offered closeups of flowers and dog paws

Doug Depue chose coins, bolts, padlocks, lichens and ground squirrels

The Final Segment brought a discussion of the software editing program, Luminar AI.
Ralph showed his tutorial on Masking with Luminar AI; and shared his Notes to Self on using the program;

Sutter observed that Luminar AI does not offer layers, unlike Luminar 4. Various participants expressed their disappointment with this change.

John Waller demonstrated photo enhancement by color separation. He also showed images of frolicking dogs in overlapping freeze frame.

Finally, we investigated how to successfully share screens inside Zoom.  Several members were unable to do so.  After the fact, Ralph Sutter wrote a tutorial on screen sharing and posted it on this bulletin board at,538.0.html

Our next meeting will take place on March 14th.
The topic is Perspective; as defined by each member

A Zoom invitation will be e-mailed to Photo Group members shortly before the meeting
The meeting schedule for the remainder of 2021 is as follows
   April 11
   May 16 (Mothers' Day falls on May 9th)
   June 13
   July 11
   August 8
   September 12
   October 10
   November 14
   December 12

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Re: Screen Sharing in Zoom
« on: February 16, 2021, 11:24:52 AM »
Thanks Alan,
I revised my original document.  I have attached it as a .pdf to this message.

General Discussion / Screen Sharing in Zoom
« on: February 15, 2021, 03:39:45 PM »
Hello All,
I worked up a one page explanation of how to use Screen Share in Zoom. 
View it at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / APCUG Workshops in February
« on: February 11, 2021, 08:19:12 AM »
Hello All.
This is a re-post of a message from APCUG, SLO Bytes Parent Organization

Ralph Sutter

9 am PT, 10 am MT, 11 am CT, 12 pm ET

February 17, 2021

Quick and Easy Tips for Speaking in the Virtual World
Frank DiBartolomeo, President
DiBartolomeo Consulting International (DCI), LLC

Registration closes at 11:30 pm (your time) on February 16   

Are you interested in giving online presentations or would you like to give a better online presentation? If so, this is the workshop for you.
Some of the topics Frank will cover are:
•   Virtual Communication Methods
•   Pros/cons of virtual communication
•   Practical Tips for virtual communication
•   Zoom video communication platform, and more
Frank DiBartolomeo is an award-winning speaker, speaking coach, and a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association (NSA). He has developed and honed his extensive public speaking abilities over his forty-year career, both in military service (retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel) and as a US Government contractor influencing military, US Government, and industry leaders in their national security decisions. In 2002, he was awarded Toastmasters International's highest individual award: Distinguished Toastmaster. In 2007, Frank started DiBartolomeo Consulting International (DCI), LLC. The DCI mission is to help technical professionals to inspire, motivate, and influence their colleagues and other technical professionals through improving their presentation skills, communication, and personal presence.

February 24

Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi
Bill James, APCUG Advisor, Region 8, Speaker Bureau Member, VP for the Computer Club of Oklahoma

Registration -
Registration closes at 11:30 pm (your time) on February 23.
We all want fast, reliable, and secure Internet. This workshop will discuss the latest developments in modems and router hardware, buying and using your own equipment,  and best practices for setup and deployment. We will discuss Wi-Fi as the best option and how it fits into Home Automation; demystify terms like WPA, WiFi-6, 802.11, Ethernet, and DOCIS 3.1. We also discuss the pros and cons of using a professional tech service to solve our technical difficulties. If one or more of these topics piques your interest, then this 2-hour workshop is for you. We will conclude with a robust Q&A.





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PO Box 1384
Pine AZ 85544-1384

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General Discussion / Fullbean Weather Station Now On-line
« on: February 06, 2021, 04:01:44 PM »
Hello All,
I just launched my personal weather station, Fullbean Weather.
It consists of a Rain Wise Model MK-III;
The station is located on my house in rural Arroyo Grande, CA about 5 miles inland from Pismo Beach
The station is mounted 17' above the ground and 2' above the gable end of a Spanish tile roof.

The URL is
From that location, you can link to various sites where the data that I collect is displayed.

You can also view them directly at the links below

Fullbean Weather on Rain Wise -

Fullbean Weather on Weather Underground; KCAARROY208 -

Fullbean Weather on Ambient Weather -

Fullbean Weather on CWPS/Findu -

Fullbean Weather on PWS Weather -

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,

John Kennedy’s Linux presentation for APCUG is now on line at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Zoom - Change the Font Size of the Chat Box
« on: February 04, 2021, 09:23:01 PM »
Hello All,
You can change the font size in the Zoom Chat Window, making it larger or smaller

Open the Zoom app on your computer
Click on your profile picture or initials and choose Settings from the drop-down menu.
Click Accessibility in the left sidebar.
(Adjust the size of Closed Captions by dragging the slider bar.)
Adjust the Chat Display Size by entering a percentage.

During a meeting you can also adjust the Chat font size by pressing Ctrl+ and Ctrl- (PC) or Command+ and Command- (Mac) on your keyboard.

General Discussion / Masking with Luminar AI
« on: January 25, 2021, 06:02:16 PM »
Hello All,
Luminar AI; is commercial software for the photo editing enthusiasts.  It can be used stand-alone or as a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and associated programs.
Unlike Adobe, Luminar AI does not work in layers.  Instead, it uses masking to accomplish virtually the same thing.

Personally, I did not find creating a mask to be intuitive so when I managed to create a mask, I put together a short video, both as a memo-to-self and an aid to others.

View it on my web site at and on YouTube at

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
This is a re-post of information provided by Judy Taylour, SLO Bytes' APCUG Representative
Ralph Sutter

January 27 – Drones Wednesday Workshop
February 13 – Winter Virtual Technology Conference
February 24 – Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi Wednesday Workshop
Drones workshop registration –
Registration closes 11:30 pm on January 26.
Drones and Autonomous Flight with Larry Fortna, President, Lakes At Leesburg Computer and Technology Club
Autonomous Drone Flights using a DJI entry-level drone called the Mavic Mini. Maybe you got a drone for Christmas, or maybe you've thought about buying one? Maybe you're just curious how they do that. Pay attention to the TV shows and movies and you will see drones being used in nearly every instance.
From HDR photography to field mapping to flying commercially or pleasure, learn how drones can be used for fun and profit. 
VTC registration -
Registration closes at 11:30 pm on Friday, February 12.
Track 1 – 1 pm ET
How to…. Make an informed decision when buying a 2021 Printer
Ron Brown, Program Coordinator, Silvercom Computer & Technology Club
What are your options for choosing a printer in 2021? Selecting a printer to meet your printing requirements is very important. Printers also function as scanners, copiers, and print your most cherished pictures. This presentation will look at the many choices you have and how to select the best device for you. Ron will also discuss the many on-line services available in your community and the recent changes at Costco.
2 pm ET
How to…. Use the Windows Tips App
Hewie Poplock, APCUG Rep, Central Florida Computer Society; Board Member, Sarasota Technology Users’ Group
Do you want to learn more about the new features in a Windows 10 update? Hewie goes through the 12 cards and illustrates many of the tips so you can get the most out of Windows 10.
3 pm ET
How to…. Use CCleaner for more than cleaning your hard drive
Bob Gostischa, Avast Evangelist
We know that CCleaner removes unused files from our computer and traces of our online activities. But, have you explored the other tools that CCleaner offers? Bob will give us an overview of the many options you have when using CCleaner.
Track 2 – 1 pm ET
How to…. Set up a Free BLOG on
Kelly Galvin, Author,  PowerPoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs
Powerpoint Ranger Website
Still, Stuck at Home? Set up a Free BLOG on Kelly outlines how to avoid “Cabin Fever” after spending so much time at home by taking advantage of that time and your tools to write.
2 pm ET
How to..... play online board games with Tabletop Simulator
John Kennedy, APCUG Advisor for Regions 3 and 6/7; Speakers Bureau member; East-Central Ohio Technology Users Club Webmaster and and Christopher Kennedy, composer/arranger and owner of ck421productions specializing in music and sound design.
Join John and his son while they show you how to set up and play "on-line" board games with Tabletop Simulator; something that John and Bette do once a week with their son and daughter-in-law in Nevada.
3 pm ET
How to…. use some of the changes in iOS 14
Joe Dietz, Vice President, Central Kentucky Computer Society
Joe’s presentation will be an overview of some of the changes in the iPhone’s operating system. Information that will be covered includes how to add Widgets to your home page, new features to the photo app that includes adding captions to photos, using the App Library, how to do Burst Shortcut and QuickTake Videos, pinning conversations in the Messages App, and many more tips.
Sign in to Zoom with your computer or tablet and use your iPhone to join Joe as he shows us some of the new features.
Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi workshop registration -
Registration closes at 11:30 pm on February 23.
Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi with Bill James, APCUG Advisor, Region 8, Speaker Bureau Member, VP for the Computer Club of Oklahoma
We all want fast, reliable, and secure Internet. This workshop will discuss the latest developments in modems and router hardware, buying and using your own equipment,  and best practices for setup and deployment. We will discuss Wi-Fi as the best option and how it fits into Home Automation; demystify terms like WPA, WiFi-6, 802.11, Ethernet, and DOCIS 3.1. We also discuss the pros and cons of using a professional tech service to solve our technical difficulties. If one or more of these topics piques your interest, then this 2-hour workshop is for you. We will conclude with a robust Q&A.

General Discussion / AnyDesk; Cross Platform Remote Desktop
« on: January 18, 2021, 10:38:24 AM »
Hello All,
Sometimes, I want to access one of my computers from another of my computers.  For many years, I have attempted to do this using Microsoft's Remote Desktop.  That is a feature of many Windows Professional series versions.  It requires that both computers be running Windows Professional.  I have never been able to connect two computers via Remote Desktop.

I recently attempted the same feat, accessing one computer from another, with AnyDesk.  I succeeded.

AnyDesk is cross-platform software.  It works with PCs, MACs and Linux operating systems and is free for personal use.

I have created a short tutorial, actually a memo to self, explaining the setup and use of this software.
View it at

Download AnyDesk from
View their detailed video explaining setup and usage at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Installing a Data Logger on My Kaldi Coffee Roaster
« on: January 16, 2021, 01:06:01 AM »
Hello All,
I am an avid coffee roaster.  I buy green beans either locally or on-line and then roast them in a Kaldi roaster.
Successful roasting requires that one control the temperature and the roasting time.  In the past, I used a hand-held thermocouple, writing down time and temperature.  What I really wanted was to have all this information automatically recorded on a computer with a data logger.

After several false starts, I finally accomplished that goal.  I purchased a Heat Snob; data logger and connected it to my PC laptop.  Now, when I roast, a time and temperature graph appears on my monitor using Roast Monitor, the included companion software for Heat Snob.  I click a button when I start the roast, when it reaches First Crack, Second Crack and when I dump the beans. 

I then save that roasting profile and use it as a template to follow the next time that I roast the same variety of coffee.
The new roast graph overlays the earlier roast so it is easy to duplicate time and temperature.

To learn more about my coffee roasting, see  Details on my Kaldi roaster can be found at the following locations

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / APCUG Linux Workshop 01/20/2021 @9:00 PT
« on: January 15, 2021, 07:59:56 PM »
Hello All,
This is a re-posting of an e-mail from APCUG Representative Judy Taylour
Ralph Sutter

The 2021 2-hour Wednesday Workshops will have new links to their respective registration forms as well as new Zoom links. Please only register once for each workshop. You will receive information about any subsequent Linux workshops. The encrypted passcode Zoom link for this Linux workshop will be sent out Monday evening.

Wednesday, January 20 -- 9am PT, 10am MT, 11am CT, 12 noon ET

Click here to register -

Software Siblings and Shopping the Software Stores with John Kennedy, APCUG Advisor Regions 3 and 6/7
The beauty of Linux and Open Source is that there are always choices. That's really true when it comes to software. Everyone has a better idea for even the basic applications like file managers, browsers, text editors, image viewers, and media/video players to name a few. Desktop Environments (DEs) have a default set of core applications that usually differ from each other. However, Linux users can choose whichever version of the application they want to use as their default. Join John as he shares the many options when it comes to core software.

In the second part of the workshop, you'll be introduced to a number of different ways to get additional software that didn't come with your default core set. John will share what most distros have in the way of "Software Stores" and take you shopping.

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