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Messages - Doug

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13 Most Confusing Things In Windows 10 May Update by Shawn Abraham of Windows Chimp:

Microsoft July 2019 Patch Tuesday fixes zero-day exploited by Russian hackers:

New entry:

With new feature update calendar, Microsoft finally settles on a sensible Windows 10 release schedule:

Ed Bott:

Protect your online identity now: Fight hackers with these 5 security safeguards

Ed Bott ZDNet:

Windows 10: Microsoft is bringing back one of Windows 95’s most popular features:

General Discussion / Re: System Restore
« on: April 28, 2019, 08:13:40 PM »
There are several steps that I find essential to preserve folders with files that are not functional for the system itself.

     1. Set your programs, such as Word, Excel, etc., to save their files to another partition, preferable on a second hard drive, the idea being to not let the program save them to a folder in the system partition.  After producing a Word document, save it to at least two other partitions, on two other drives, if possible. I sometimes still use Turbo Navigator for this purpose. There are doubtless quite a few other such programs available for backing up small numbers of files. You can also just open a window showing the files to be saved and copy them to a destination window on another partition/hard drive using Windows File Explorer.

     2. Copy your One Drive folders/files to a backup partition on another hard drive. This saves documents, pictures, videos, etc., that might have been saved to the system partition from having their folder overwritten with no content within, or otherwise lost.

     3. Enter the Program Files folder on Windows partition C:\ and locate the email files within your email program and back up your main folder for these up at least once a week. For Thunderbird, this entails following a long trail of sub-folders under the "Users" folder. The .MSF file has to be included for both Inbox and Outbox. This preserves your emails, both sent and received, from being deleted by system restore or even possibly by an upgrade of the email program. If your emails are lost, you can simply copy the backed up Inbox, Outbox files (with .msf files) to the freshly restored email program. 

Since you might have lost valuable documents by using system restore (?), you could search around to determine what has been lost and what else might still be there. This gives you an idea as to what needs to be backed up regularly.  In my view, the only way you can be sure that your documents, pictures and downloads will be saved from an unwanted deletion is to copy  them onto backup partitions. If the product manufacturer decides to get rid of unnecessary files from its perspective, without consulting the computer operator first and offering an option to save all existing files, then it bodes well to pay heed to the disclaimer window that usually pops up advising the user to back their files up before installing, upgrading or repairing.

If anyone else knows of a program that will copy preset file folders and files directly to a backup file folder, whenever you  simply mouse-click for a pre-set copy routine, please let me know. It would be nice if the save by copying to a backup partition or two was that easy.


Windows 10 Home edition users are big winners as Microsoft overhauls its update process:

"If you've been unpleasantly surprised by a Windows 10 update in recent years, help is on the way. As part of its May 2019 Update, Microsoft is rolling out a series of Windows Update changes that will finally give consumers and small businesses some essential update management tools."

Ed Bott/ZDNet:

General Discussion / 30 Common Windows 10 Annoyances and their Fixes.
« on: February 17, 2019, 02:08:50 AM »
30 Common Windows 10 Annoyances and their Fixes:

All of these concerns can be tweaked manually without buying any programs to do it for you. The Microsoft Store offers several photo viewers free.


To follow up on this thread, last night I searched for the current update and was offered 1809, which has subsequently been successfully installed without any as of yet apparent difficulties. I have attached a snip of the update history for my HP Omen Desktop WIN10 machine. I will now follow suit with the Dell WIN10 Desktop.


>> No luck with the Dell yet. It's still at 1803.

Microsoft installed its latest Update for my HP WIN10 computer (see the attachment)....... Update 1803. Nuff said.

It appears that Microsoft is still ironing out the bugs big time and is perhaps limiting their update offers to persons who have volunteered to let them use their computers for testing purposes or specially designated "advanced users" who work with Microsoft to perfect their programming. I will be perfectly satisfied to patiently wait until this 1809 "upgrade" really amounts to one, without the serious flaws and malfunctions.  Doug


Microsoft's advice:  "On November 13, 2018, we will begin the re-release of the Windows 10 October Update (version 1809), Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server, version 1809. We encourage you to wait until the feature update is offered to your device automatically." It appears that at this time the manual update option is restricted to "advanced users only".

Microsoft statement:" We will offer the October Update to users via Windows Update when data shows your device is ready and you will have a great experience. If we detect that your device may have an issue, such as an application incompatibility, we will not install the update until that issue is resolved, even if you “Check for updates,” so you avoid encountering any known problems. For those advanced users seeking to install the update early by manually using “Check for updates” in settings, know that we are slowly throttling up this availability, while we carefully monitor data and feedback".


To manually check for the latest update, select the Start button, then select Settings > Update & security > Windows Update , and then select Check for updates. See what is offered. If 1809 is offered then you might conclude that it includes the necessary previously offered components and hopefully has had the defective coding removed or corrected. If 1809 is not offered, Microsoft has probably still put it on hold for the time being. I wouldn't download any of the previous offers of 1809 updates in view of their imperfections.

Could you possibly have reset your options to obtain your permission before downloading and installing? The recent difficulties with 1809 being a good reason to be sure that you are willing to risk possible malfunction(s). I truly do not actually know why you haven't been updated if your settings allow for it to occur automatically. Back in October, the updating was halted altogether due to the glitch situation.  It could well be that Microsoft's modus operandi delays updating WIN10 professional until it has satisfactorily tested itself on the home versions, or performed and evaluated a limited number of test trial updates. Only MS knows for sure and might not be willing to share the information.

MS has a rollout scheme that delays updates if issues are detected after some trial updates have taken place. They might just be doing you a favor. Perhaps it is best to be safe rather than sorry.

I feel a bit silly giving you advice about technical matters but unless you just have to have the latest 1809 update, it might make sense to just let it ride until the glitches are ironed out.


Incidentally, I just checked my HP WIN10 and discovered that I am up to date and the update number is 1803, same as yours. I am willing to bet that 1809 is still on hold for most WIN10 users. That being the case, waiting for MS to get around to perfecting it makes sense. A working 1803 is better than a malfunctioning 1809.

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