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Topics - rsutter

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General Discussion / SCaLE 16X Report - Sutter
« on: March 12, 2018, 04:15:52 PM »
Hello All,
SCaLE 16 Ubicon Track Writeup – Ralph Sutter

I recently attended SCaLE 16X, the 16th annual Southern California Linux Expo.  It was held in the Pasadena Convention Center March 9-12, 2018 offering 17 separate tracks.  As in years past, I was looking forward to following the Ubicon track, which focused exclusively on Ubuntu.  When that track didn’t appear in the initial on-line schedule, I began to wonder if the volunteers from Ubicon had decided to opt out this time.  Finally, about 2 weeks before the convention, details about Ubicon began to appear on the SCaLE site.  Ubicon did indeed take place, running Thursday and Friday.

Thursday offered 5 sessions ranging from System 76 lamenting Canonicals’ unexpected cancellation of the Unity project and their launch of POP OS to presentations on Snap Apps, System Security and a talk by JosĂ© Antonio Rey flying in from PerĂș to explain Open Source and Worldwide Communities.

Friday added 4 more sessions.  Following the theme of the open source community, J T Nelson detailed how he and his colleagues working in the Hollywood and Gaming industries, produced professional-quality video using powerful, readily available royalty-free on-line video editing software.

Author Nathan Haines gave a presentation on the evolution of Ubuntu followed by an Ubuntu Questions and Answers session.
The closing speaker, Jono Bacon, spoke on his time with Canonical as the Ubuntu Community Manager.  He along with other speakers on the Ubicon track, stressed the invaluable contributions of volunteers in developing and advancing Ubuntu.

In addition to the speakers, a principal attraction at SCaLE is walking the floor of the Exhibit Hall.  With over 100 exhibitors I had ample opportunity to collect swag for my grandkids and speak with reps from PIA, System 76, VideoLan and many others. 

Alan Raul and I carefully scoured the Pasadena Convention Center hoping to find free food to match the outstanding offerings of SCaLE 15x.  Alas, that was not to be.  The best we could do was complimentary coffee and bagels discovered when we followed a food cart to the DevOps Ballroom. 

We did manage to get comped cappuccino’s from Inteligencia Coffee thanks to two baristas curious about Linux.  We also scored free admission to the USC Asia Pacific Museum given the fortuitous coinciding of Art Night Pasadena with SCaLE 16X.

Will I attend SCaLE next year?  Most certainly.  It always affords something for all users of Linux, from end users like me to professional programmers and developers.  I’m looking forward to 2019.

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
In searching for how to install the video program, VLC from the Linux terminal, I found the following URL that explains how to do so using the SNAPPY Package Manager

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / SLO Bytes Photography Group Notes-February 2018
« on: February 11, 2018, 06:44:26 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes for the SLO Bytes Photography Group meeting of 02/11/2018
The session opened with Ralph Sutter calling attention to recent postings in the Links Page of the club web site.

Two of the links offer suggestions relating to using Photoshop Elements.
Other links reference the photo editing programs Aurora; Bokeh;

Ralph then played a video collection featuring water; water making patterns as it dropped in a bowl and seascapes of the coast near Cambria, CA.

Alan Raul followed with water scenes shot locally and then enhanced with Aurora and Bokeh. Alan used this software to color-correct images and modify the depth of field in stills taken at the Mission of San Luis Obispo and other local areas.

Kaye Raul presented seascapes of the harbors of Avila Beach, Morro Bay and Piedras Blancas. She showed rowboats, sailboats, elephant seals, swarming seagulls and feeding whales.

John Waller delivered a photo essay on the stages of water; solid, liquid and gas, inserting photos of both the California Central Coast and the High Sierras.

Monica Tarzier began with water images from her backyard and then expanding to the Carrizo Plains.

Bob Grover took John's concept one step further. His opening image showed the earth as viewed from the moon. He then proceeded to share images of clouds, rivers and lakes, glaciers and ice taken from around the globe.

Don Jones showed scenes of some of the waterfowl hunting or perching that he often sees in his frequent walks along the boardwalk near the Monarch Butterfly Grove in Pismo Beach.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / February 2018 Second Session Notes - Sutter
« on: February 06, 2018, 11:54:16 AM »
Hello All,
The notes on my Second Session presentation at the February 4th 2018 SLO Bytes General Session are viewable at
They are cross listed, along with Alan Raul's First and Second Session notes at
Ralph Sutter

Fix Adobe Elements 15 to Properly List Recently Edited Files

The Problem
When using Adobe Photoshop Elements 15, you click on File/Open Recently Edited Files.
The program stops keeping track of the most recently edited files after you have opened more than 20 files.  At that point, it only lists the first 20 recently opened files.
You can increase the number of files remembered up to a maximum of 100.  Go to Edit/Preferences/Saving Files and enter a number from 0-100.  It remembers the first 100 files that you opened, not the last 100.

The Solution
To reset what Photoshop Elements remembers, do the following (Applies to Windows only)
Hold down the Windows key and type R (or search RUN)
Type %appdata% and click OK
Go to Adobe/Photoshop Elements\15.0 (or whatever version of Photoshop Elements you are running)
Rename the folder Editor to Editor_old
Relaunch Photoshop Elements.
This information at is based on a thread that can be found at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Acronis 2018 Active Protection
« on: January 26, 2018, 05:59:16 PM »
Hello All,
Today, I decided to perform a routine incremental backup of my main desktop computer with the latest version of Acronis True Image 2018, 22.5.1 0640.
Midway through the backup, a popup window advised me that my 4TB USB external drive was full.  I would need to delete something if I wanted to continue.  I tried to simply open the drive via (Windows) File Explorer but couldn't.  I needed administrative approval.  I attempted to over-ride but failed.  I rebooted the machine, tried anew and was again presented with a screen asking for administrative approval.  Again, attempts to over-ride failed.

Finally, I opened TI and navigated to the Active Protection icon.  It is the fifth icon down on the TI main screen.  It looks like a shield.  Once that I moved the slider from Active Protection Is On to Active Protection Is Off, I was able to delete some older backup files and complete the current ones.
I'm posting my experience lest anyone else find themselves in a similar situation.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Freeware for Diagramming Network
« on: January 25, 2018, 02:26:21 PM »
Hello All,
I decided to map my local area network in order to better visualize it.
With a Google Search, I found the following page:
I tried several of those products listed before settling on Gliffy Diagram;
This is an on-line only editor offering a 15 day free trial before you subscribe at $7.99/mo billed annually.

Since I only planned to map one network one time, I reasoned that I could avoid the steep subscription fee.
I found Gliffy Diagram to be intuitive, easy to use and responsive.  The trial version offers the user to share a link to his or her diagrams but has no provision for editing or storing off-line.
I simply made a screen capture of my work, modified it slightly in Photoshop Elements and then uploaded it to Costco Photo, ordering a 12"x20" print. 
I'm looking forward to picking the print up and seeing how well my geeky project turned out.

Here is a link to my effort:
I suspect that the content will be removed after my 15 day trial expires so I have posted a permanent image at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Free APCUG Virtual Technology Conference 02/10/18
« on: January 21, 2018, 03:28:57 PM »
Hello All,
This is a re-post of information that I received from APCUG's Judy Taylour.
Saturday, February 10
10:00 – 1:00 PT
Attend the FREE conference from the convenience of your own home! All you need is your computer, tablet, etc. and Internet access. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via Q&A; the questions are answered by the presenter at the end of the presentation or via e-mail if there isn’t enough time after the presentation.

APCUG uses ZOOM for the VTC webinar presentations ( If you have not participated in a VTC, go to to download the app for the device you will be using to ‘attend’ the conference. You should also make sure you have the latest version of Zoom on your device.

Videos from earlier conferences can be found on APCUG’s YouTube channel

To register for this VTC, please click on the below link:
Spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to your members. VTCs are a great way for them to expand their technology experience and be introduced to new skills. Below are the sessions that are currently scheduled.

10:00 AM PT
 Social Networking: How to Navigate Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram
Abby Stokes, Author, “Is This Thing On?”
 Abby will explain what everyone is talking about when they bring up Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites. She’ll also share how you can enjoy the benefits without risking the loss of your privacy and can avoid scams.
11:00 AM PT
Protect Your Important Tech ‘Stuff’
Toby Scott, Tech Guru, Channel Islands PCUG
From wildfires in California to hurricanes in Texas and Florida, Toby’s presentation will cover how to protect your important tech ‘stuff’ in the event of a natural disaster.
12:00 PM PT
2 Factor Authentication (2FA)
Ron Brown, Program Chair, Silvercom Computer and Technology Club
This presentation will show you a simple technique that can prevent unauthorized access to any of your accounts.
10:00 AM PT
Digital Terrorism and Hate on the Internet
Rick Eaton, Senior Researcher, Simon Wiesenthal Center
Forums offer a wealth of information for would-be terrorists.  ". . . different explosives, manuals, and lessons in remote detonation, cell phone detonators, rockets . . . ." Eaton says there also are lessons in kidnapping and guerrilla management.
"And many times, these are spiced with the political philosophy -- not only how to do it, but [also] where you should do it and what targets you should attack."
11:00 AM PT
Google apps at home and on the go
Phil Sorrentino, The Computer Club secretary and newsletter contributor
Most of us know Google as a website we visit to get answers to all kinds of questions, but there is a lot more behind the company and the term Google. Google is a company, a website, a number, and a verb. Phil’s presentation will cover many Google’s apps.
12:00 PM PT
Becoming Your Own Computer Expert
Philip “Phil” Bock, President, Lake County Area Computer Enthusiasts
Current club members (and potential new members) may have widely different levels of computer expertise. Moreover, the field keeps changing – new hardware, new applications, new software and, sadly, new security challenges!
Family members, co-workers, fellow club members and knowledgeable friends may be able to provide help when needed, but they are not always available or may not have the answer(s).
The solution? Become your own computer expert! It is not as hard as it sounds. In this presentation, Phil offers a two-step process to help with every day “how-to” questions and the more urgent “why” and “why doesn’t” questions when things don’t go as you expect: (1) already knowing the information you need, and (2) knowing where to find needed information that you don’t know.
Phil’s presentation is designed to elaborate on these two themes – Step #1 is to build a base of personal computer knowledge; Step #2 is to develop sources and strategies to get answers about things you do not know when you need to.
(As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. While Phil happily shares his version of this presentation, he anticipates that clubs who choose to do their own similar presentation will find ways to improve on / add to what he has put together. Phil’s hope is that we can share these efforts to the benefit of all.)
Virtual Technology Committee
Judy Taylour, Chair

Francis Chao
John Kennedy
Jere Minich
David Williams

Reposted by Ralph Sutter




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PO Box 1384
Pine AZ 85544-1384

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General Discussion / Wireless Internet Service to Replace DSL
« on: January 16, 2018, 09:12:10 AM »
Hello All,
I live in an area not currently served by cable access to the Internet.
I initially used DSL provided by AT&T.  That service suffered from frequent slowdowns and signal loss due to an unreliable phone line.  Though the advertised speed was 6Mbps download, I rarely approached that speed.

I considered Internet via Satellite but, in reading reviews of the various providers offering that service, I decided that it wasn't for me.

I then investigated Wireless Internet.  This technology provides Internet via a signal sent line-of-sight from a land-based radio tower. 
Below, I have listed three service providers for San Luis Obispo County, CA.  The information is current as of 01/16/2018 and was copied from the respective wireless service provider web sites.

Peak WiFi 
BASIC  |  $49.95

STANDARD  |  $69.95

PREMIUM  |  $119.95

ULTRA  |  $199.95

Advanced Wireless
Basic Install $395

Basic Plan $49.99 per month
4Mbps Download
1Mbps Upload

Basic +
$64.99 per month
8Mbps Download
2Mbsp Upload

$79.99 per month
10Mbps Download
4Mbps Upload

Preferred +
15Mbps Download
5Mbps Upload

149.99 per month
20Mbps download
5Mbps upload

Premier +
$199 per month
30Mbps download
5Mbps upload

Ranch WiFi

Up to 5 Mbps Downloads
Up to 5 Mbps Uploads
$65 PER MO.

Up to 10 Mbps Downloads
Up to 5 Mbps Uploads
$95 PER MO.

Up to 20 Mbps Downloads
Up to 10 Mbps Uploads
$135 PER MO.

Up to 30 Mbps Downloads
Up to 10 Mbps Uploads
$165 PER MO.

I initially signed up with Peak WiFi, later moving to Advanced Wireless.  Both provided excellent service.  I have no experience with Ranch WiFi

My recommendation, based on performance is to opt for cable based Internet service if it is available.  If it isn't consider wireless.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Notes from the January 2018 Photo Group Meeting
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:27:59 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group Meeting of January 14th, 2018

TOPIC: Before and After
Ralph Sutter opened the meeting by showing a series of images that illustrated the progression from an alpaca to a pair of alpaca socks, a chicken to scrambled eggs and water from the storage tank to the faucet.

Alan Raul followed with numerous shots of the Avila Beach Polar Bear Plunge. He also experimented with the slideshow program, Proshow Gold, exploring some motion effects that he had not tried before.

John Waller shared some of his image manipulation projects with the rest of us. He demonstrated color replacement, restoration of degraded photos and recreation of an image after the photo had been shredded by the family dog. He also added the illusion of flowing water to still images of waterfalls.

The next meeting of the Photo Group will take place on Sunday, February 11th. The theme is Water, whether in the form of rain falling from the sky, soap suds floating in a mop bucket or anything else that the word Water suggests to you.

The tentative meeting schedule for the remainder of 2018 is as follows
The tentative meeting schedule for 2018 is as follows
    February 11
    March 11
    April 8
    May 13
    June 10
    July 8
    August 12
    September 9
    October 14
    November 11
    December 9

Home of Connie and Ralph Sutter
498 Hansen Hill Road
Arroyo Grande, CA

Map at
Dashcam video at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / SLO Bytes Second Session Notes; 01/07/18
« on: January 04, 2018, 11:27:06 AM »
Hello All,
Here are the tentative notes for my SLO Bytes General Meeting Second Session presentation on Sunday, 01/07/18

Browser Technique to keep focus on one site and still browse other sites:
     Open a new tab and paste focused site URL into that page
     Search from the original tab, using the back arrow for previous pages

Snagit: Screen Capture program
and its free counterpart; Jing:

LastPass: Password Manager

Audacity:   Sound Editing Program

VLC:  Video display program that I use for extracting sound from video

YouTube Video Downloader:  For saving local copies of YouTube

     Checked for piggybacked Potentially Unwanted Programs: 
     Windows Notifications/All Settings/Uninstall/Apps and Features/

To do so, sorted programs by install date, most recent first and looked for any surprises.
     Demonstrated WindowShade configurations settings

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Off-Topic Post - Kaldi Coffee Roaster
« on: December 28, 2017, 11:32:20 AM »
Hello All,
This off-topic post chronicles my efforts to roast green coffee beans on the recently purchased Kaldi Wide Coffee Roaster.
For an overview, see (a Word document)
The document is also available as an .htm document at
Additional documentation is available at and
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / PUSH Articles Posted
« on: December 10, 2017, 05:02:41 PM »
Hello All,
I just posted the latest crop of PUSH articles from our parent organization, APCUG.
You will find them listed at several locations
Directly, see
The Condensed Index resides at
All of the PUSH articles, complete with brief introductions are at
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Photo Group Notes for December 10, 2017
« on: December 10, 2017, 04:47:36 PM »
Hello All,

Here are my notes for the SLO Bytes Photo Group Session of December 10, 2017
TOPIC: Enclosed Spaces
The topic for the December 10th meeting was Enclosed Spaces

Ralph Sutter began the image show and tell with a slide show consisting of gopher traps, 10 in 1 screwdriveres and vignetted subjects.

Alan Raul followed displaying largely unretouched photos of the inside of local retailers and public areas.

John Waller also showed interiors of public buildings, amusement parks and private residences

Connie Sutter captured sundry nooks and crannies of her van

Those present commented on the various techniques that we used to view our images, culling the lackluster items and deciding whether to edit the selections that we wanted to share.

The topic for the January 14th 2018 session will be Image Manipulation; Before and After. Share images that have been modified either to enhance or to transform the original.

See Notes from earlier sessions at

Learn more about the Photography Group at

Ralph Sutter

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