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Topics - rsutter

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Hello All,
This is a re-post of information provided by Judy Taylour, SLO Bytes' APCUG Representative
Ralph Sutter

January 27 – Drones Wednesday Workshop
February 13 – Winter Virtual Technology Conference
February 24 – Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi Wednesday Workshop
Drones workshop registration –
Registration closes 11:30 pm on January 26.
Drones and Autonomous Flight with Larry Fortna, President, Lakes At Leesburg Computer and Technology Club
Autonomous Drone Flights using a DJI entry-level drone called the Mavic Mini. Maybe you got a drone for Christmas, or maybe you've thought about buying one? Maybe you're just curious how they do that. Pay attention to the TV shows and movies and you will see drones being used in nearly every instance.
From HDR photography to field mapping to flying commercially or pleasure, learn how drones can be used for fun and profit. 
VTC registration -
Registration closes at 11:30 pm on Friday, February 12.
Track 1 – 1 pm ET
How to…. Make an informed decision when buying a 2021 Printer
Ron Brown, Program Coordinator, Silvercom Computer & Technology Club
What are your options for choosing a printer in 2021? Selecting a printer to meet your printing requirements is very important. Printers also function as scanners, copiers, and print your most cherished pictures. This presentation will look at the many choices you have and how to select the best device for you. Ron will also discuss the many on-line services available in your community and the recent changes at Costco.
2 pm ET
How to…. Use the Windows Tips App
Hewie Poplock, APCUG Rep, Central Florida Computer Society; Board Member, Sarasota Technology Users’ Group
Do you want to learn more about the new features in a Windows 10 update? Hewie goes through the 12 cards and illustrates many of the tips so you can get the most out of Windows 10.
3 pm ET
How to…. Use CCleaner for more than cleaning your hard drive
Bob Gostischa, Avast Evangelist
We know that CCleaner removes unused files from our computer and traces of our online activities. But, have you explored the other tools that CCleaner offers? Bob will give us an overview of the many options you have when using CCleaner.
Track 2 – 1 pm ET
How to…. Set up a Free BLOG on
Kelly Galvin, Author,  PowerPoint Ranger: My Iraq War Logs
Powerpoint Ranger Website
Still, Stuck at Home? Set up a Free BLOG on Kelly outlines how to avoid “Cabin Fever” after spending so much time at home by taking advantage of that time and your tools to write.
2 pm ET
How to..... play online board games with Tabletop Simulator
John Kennedy, APCUG Advisor for Regions 3 and 6/7; Speakers Bureau member; East-Central Ohio Technology Users Club Webmaster and and Christopher Kennedy, composer/arranger and owner of ck421productions specializing in music and sound design.
Join John and his son while they show you how to set up and play "on-line" board games with Tabletop Simulator; something that John and Bette do once a week with their son and daughter-in-law in Nevada.
3 pm ET
How to…. use some of the changes in iOS 14
Joe Dietz, Vice President, Central Kentucky Computer Society
Joe’s presentation will be an overview of some of the changes in the iPhone’s operating system. Information that will be covered includes how to add Widgets to your home page, new features to the photo app that includes adding captions to photos, using the App Library, how to do Burst Shortcut and QuickTake Videos, pinning conversations in the Messages App, and many more tips.
Sign in to Zoom with your computer or tablet and use your iPhone to join Joe as he shows us some of the new features.
Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi workshop registration -
Registration closes at 11:30 pm on February 23.
Modems, Routers, and Wi-Fi with Bill James, APCUG Advisor, Region 8, Speaker Bureau Member, VP for the Computer Club of Oklahoma
We all want fast, reliable, and secure Internet. This workshop will discuss the latest developments in modems and router hardware, buying and using your own equipment,  and best practices for setup and deployment. We will discuss Wi-Fi as the best option and how it fits into Home Automation; demystify terms like WPA, WiFi-6, 802.11, Ethernet, and DOCIS 3.1. We also discuss the pros and cons of using a professional tech service to solve our technical difficulties. If one or more of these topics piques your interest, then this 2-hour workshop is for you. We will conclude with a robust Q&A.

General Discussion / AnyDesk; Cross Platform Remote Desktop
« on: January 18, 2021, 10:38:24 AM »
Hello All,
Sometimes, I want to access one of my computers from another of my computers.  For many years, I have attempted to do this using Microsoft's Remote Desktop.  That is a feature of many Windows Professional series versions.  It requires that both computers be running Windows Professional.  I have never been able to connect two computers via Remote Desktop.

I recently attempted the same feat, accessing one computer from another, with AnyDesk.  I succeeded.

AnyDesk is cross-platform software.  It works with PCs, MACs and Linux operating systems and is free for personal use.

I have created a short tutorial, actually a memo to self, explaining the setup and use of this software.
View it at

Download AnyDesk from
View their detailed video explaining setup and usage at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Installing a Data Logger on My Kaldi Coffee Roaster
« on: January 16, 2021, 01:06:01 AM »
Hello All,
I am an avid coffee roaster.  I buy green beans either locally or on-line and then roast them in a Kaldi roaster.
Successful roasting requires that one control the temperature and the roasting time.  In the past, I used a hand-held thermocouple, writing down time and temperature.  What I really wanted was to have all this information automatically recorded on a computer with a data logger.

After several false starts, I finally accomplished that goal.  I purchased a Heat Snob; data logger and connected it to my PC laptop.  Now, when I roast, a time and temperature graph appears on my monitor using Roast Monitor, the included companion software for Heat Snob.  I click a button when I start the roast, when it reaches First Crack, Second Crack and when I dump the beans. 

I then save that roasting profile and use it as a template to follow the next time that I roast the same variety of coffee.
The new roast graph overlays the earlier roast so it is easy to duplicate time and temperature.

To learn more about my coffee roasting, see  Details on my Kaldi roaster can be found at the following locations

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / APCUG Linux Workshop 01/20/2021 @9:00 PT
« on: January 15, 2021, 07:59:56 PM »
Hello All,
This is a re-posting of an e-mail from APCUG Representative Judy Taylour
Ralph Sutter

The 2021 2-hour Wednesday Workshops will have new links to their respective registration forms as well as new Zoom links. Please only register once for each workshop. You will receive information about any subsequent Linux workshops. The encrypted passcode Zoom link for this Linux workshop will be sent out Monday evening.

Wednesday, January 20 -- 9am PT, 10am MT, 11am CT, 12 noon ET

Click here to register -

Software Siblings and Shopping the Software Stores with John Kennedy, APCUG Advisor Regions 3 and 6/7
The beauty of Linux and Open Source is that there are always choices. That's really true when it comes to software. Everyone has a better idea for even the basic applications like file managers, browsers, text editors, image viewers, and media/video players to name a few. Desktop Environments (DEs) have a default set of core applications that usually differ from each other. However, Linux users can choose whichever version of the application they want to use as their default. Join John as he shares the many options when it comes to core software.

In the second part of the workshop, you'll be introduced to a number of different ways to get additional software that didn't come with your default core set. John will share what most distros have in the way of "Software Stores" and take you shopping.

Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group meeting of 01/10/2021

TOPIC: Water  The meeting took place via Zoom

Ralph Sutter opened the meeting by calling the group's attention to the posts made by member Doug Depue on the SLO Bytes Bulletin in which he shares his thoughts on the subject. View them at,518.0.html

Sutter continued with shots of fountains, ponds and lakes. He followed with a slow motion/freeze frame video of water dropping in a bowl.

Stanford Brown illustrated the many forms in which water is used; in drinking, bathing and playing; filling aquariums, ponds and kitty bowls.

Alan Raul captured images of water around the Pismo Beach and Avila Beach areas.
He also provided a link to more of his images here…
Alan used Adobe Premiere Elements to strip out separate video frames of movies shot with a GoPro camera.
His video clips of the polar bear dip on New Years eve was stitched together using the same program.
Other pictures were modified using Skylum Aurora HDR.

Kaye Raul explored the seashore finding images of fishermen, seagulls and seascapes. She then enhanced the pictures by altering the sky with Luminar AI.

Bob Ward tracked water through its 3 forms showing snow, ponds and falling water. He demonstrated how to alter the look of flowing water by varying the shutter speed and camera ISO.

Doug Depue offered numerous water shots that he found on line, interspersed with some of his own images of local historical floods.

John Waller
followed water from the crop irrigation beside his house and then showed waterfalls from Salmon Creek to Little Falls to Yosemite Falls.

Bob Styerwalt began showing a glass of water and then expanded to images of Morro Rock, the Hearst Castle outdoor pool, Lake Cachuma and Lake Arrowhead.

Our next meeting will take place on February 14th. The topic is Close-up Photography.

The meeting will take place via Zoom. A Zoom invitation will be e-mailed to Photo Group members shortly before the meeting

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,
The Notes on Keyboard Shortcuts , my Second Session Presentation at the SLO Bytes General Session Meeting of 01/03/2021 appear below

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + a   Select All
Ctrl + c   Copy
Ctrl + b   Bold
Ctrl + f   Find
Ctrl + i   Italic
Ctrl + p   Print to default printer
Ctrl + s   Save
Ctrl + v   Paste
Ctrl + x   Cut
Ctrl + y   Redo
Ctrl + z   Undo
Ctrl + Alt + Del      Open Task Manager
Windows Key + m   Show Desktop
Alt + Tab                   Display open programs and toggle through them
End                           Go to the end of the sentence
Ctrl + End                   Go to the end of the document
Home                   Go to the beginning of the sentence
Ctrl + Home           Go to the beginning of the document

Expanded list of keyboard shortcuts:
My Notes are on line at
Ralph Sutter

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Linux-Workshop-Distros-and-Desktops-Sharan Kalwan
« on: December 30, 2020, 08:04:21 AM »
Hello All,
Here is a .pdf of Sharan Kalwan's presentation on Linux given at a 12/30/2020 Zoom session of the APCUG webinar on 12/30/2020.
Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Notes from the Photo Group Meeting of 12/13/2020
« on: December 13, 2020, 06:00:49 PM »
Hello All,
Here are my notes from the SLO Bytes Photo Group Meeting of 12/13/2020
Ralph Sutter

Notes from the Meeting of 12/13/2020
TOPIC: Shadows; One step behind. The meeting took place via Zoom

Doug Depue opened the meeting calling attention to numerous sources he compiled regarding Light and Shadow. View them on the Links Page; (See 12/13/2020).
Doug then shared many images that he found on line illustrating the play of light and shadow.

Ralph Sutter followed with photos displaying shadows from both natural and artificial light.

Stanford Brown offered images in which shadows on faces and on landscapes added interest.

John Waller showed the play of shadows outside his home and on surrounding crops.

Alan Raul caught the shadows cast by a Juniper bush on the chimney of his mother's house. He also provided a link to more of his images at (See 12/13/2020).

Bob Styerwalt followed shadows around his house, inside and out.

Linda Styerwalt captured the shadows cast by a Christmas ornament.

Kaye Raul found shadows in the sand at several local beaches.

Bob Ward explored the shadows cast by vertical blinds before venturing out to the shadows of the Grand Canyon.

Our next meeting will take place on January 10th. The topic is Water. Hopefully the seasonal rains will take the hint and provide our group with many options to capture images of rain.

The meeting will take place via Zoom. A Zoom invitation will be e-mailed to Photo Group members shortly before the meeting The meeting schedule for the remainder of 2021 is as follows
   February 14
   March 14
   April 11
   May 16 (Mothers' Day falls on May 9th)
   June 13
   July 11
   August 8
   September 12
   October 10
   November 14
   December 12

General Discussion / Linux - - Distrochooser
« on: December 02, 2020, 10:18:13 AM »
Hello All,
If you are trying to decide which Linux distro you should use, you may find the link below useful
The site opens with a questionaire to help you select a Linux distro that matches your needs and the capabilities of your hardware.
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,

Bill James delivered the third segment in his APCUG series on Home Automation.  I have inserted a link to that Zoom presentation below.

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / APCUG Linux Webinar Available On-line
« on: November 29, 2020, 07:58:47 AM »
Hello All,
The recording of the Second APCUG webinar on the Linux operating system is now available at
Two more sessions will follow.  They are
   Part 3 - December 2, 2020 - Distros and Desktops
   Part 4 - December 16, 2020 - Software, Applications, and Package Management
Ralph Sutter

Hello All,

Adobe is offering Adobe Premiere Elements 2021 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021 together for $89.99.  The two programs are available separately at $59.99 each.
The bundled list price is $149.99.

Adobe Elements products are one-time purchases, not yearly subscriptions.
This price is valid until at least 12/01/2020
See offer at

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / APCUG Zoom Session - Intro to Linux
« on: November 19, 2020, 05:25:32 PM »
Hello All,
SLO Bytes' parent group, APCUG, is presenting a series of webinars focusing on the Linux Operating Systems.
The first presentation took place on 10/28/2020.
A video of that first Zoom session is now available at

Here is the schedule
Part 1 - October 28, 2020 - A General Introduction
Part 2 - November 18, 2020 - Getting and Installing Linux
Part 3 - December 2, 2020 - Distros and Desktops
Part 4 - December 16, 2020 - Software, Applications, and Package Management

Ralph Sutter

Hello All,

Here are my Notes for the SLO Bytes Photo Group that met on 11/08/2020

TOPIC: Images Dominated by a Single Color; photos with a single prominent color (Second Installment).

The meeting took place via Zoom

Ralph Sutter opened the meeting, calling attention to the Links Page of the Photography web site,

Sutter then showed close-up images of common items with a single prominent color; a palm tree trunk, rain clouds, expresso accessories and details of watercolors.

Alan Raul followed, offering shots of his annual persimmon harvest. Orange dominated his selections.

Kaye Raul chose the local piers at Pismo Beach and Port San Luis as well as some dramatic sky photos.

John Waller started out close to home, focusing on flowers and emerging grasses before venturing farther afield to water features.

Doug Depue continued to spotlight nuances of color. He sparked a lengthy discussion when he asked if it would be appropriate for him to share some of his voluminous photo library built over many years. The consensus of the other group members was that while it would be ok to offer a limited number of items from the past, we would prefer to see current images, perhaps contrasting his photographer's eye as it evolved over time.

Ralph made the point shared by several others that while we often use software to alter what comes out of our cameras, Sutter's goal is to capture a memorable moment in time. That may require nothing more than pressing the shutter at the right time and place with no post-production necessary.

Bob Ward shared a series of photos taken many years ago of the last sawmill in California. Bob captured images of a mill near Shaver Lake, its machinery and the support building in the community that it created.

Our last meeting of 2020 will take place on Sunday, December 13th, 2020@ 2:00 pm
The topic will be Shadows; one step behind. The meeting will take place via Zoom

A Zoom invitation will be e-mailed to Photo Group members shortly before the meeting.

See the Links page for tutorials and other resources

Ralph Sutter

General Discussion / Lenovo Yoga C940
« on: November 06, 2020, 10:43:51 AM »
Hello All,
I just purchased a Lenovo C940 touchscreen laptop from BestBuy for $1,199 plus tax.
This will be a Christmas gift.
It incorporates many of the features of my current Lenovo X1 Yoga at about half the price.
Relevant specs for the new machine  (For a more exhaustive list see
Screen Resolution:  3840 x 2160 (4K)
Processor:  10th gen Intel i7 1.3ghz
Screen Size:  14"
Memory:  16Gb
Storage:  512Gb SSD with Optane Accelerator
2-in-1 Design
Fingerprint reader
Headphone Jack
Number of USB 3.0 Type A Ports 1
Number of Thunderbolt 3 Ports 2

Features lacking
No card reader
Only 1 USB 3.0 Type A Port
No Ethernet Jack

All in all, I think that it will more than meet the needs of the person to whom I will gift it.
Ralph Sutter

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