PUSH Articles - November 2020
About Reading and Using Goodreads, Steve Costello (Approx. 745 words). Steve has read and reviewed books from Goodreads since 2012 and tells you how to get started doing the same.
Creating Poster Art from Photos, Dick Maybach (Approx. 741 words). Creating attractive posters can be a challenge for those of us with limited artistic talent, and while using clipart is quick, often the result is poor. Enter GIMP.
Ebooks, Dick Maybach (Approx. 1259 words). Although still small in comparison to print versions, the market share of e-books is growing. In particular, the printed technical manual is disappearing, and when you purchase equipment, the printed material covers little more than its power switch and the URL where you can download detailed information.
Electronic Circuit Simulation, Dick Maybach (Approx. 940 words). Circuit simulation will interest only a few, but skimming through this article should impress you with the support a PC can provide for this specialized area.
Helpful Memory Bytes, Jim Cerny (Approx. 745 words). This article reviews and explores what we need to know about basic computer storage (bits and bytes) and how it helps us get an idea of the data space needed to save and backup our stuff.
How the Internet Has Changed the Real Estate Industry, Leah Clark (Approx. 582 words). The Los Angeles Computer Society had a member who has been a real estate agent since 2003 give a presentation at their general meeting; this article is Leah's review of the meeting.
Hyperlinks are Cool, Jim Cerny (Approx. 604 words). One of the really fun and easy things technology has brought us is hyperlinks. You probably use them all the time and don't even realize how cool they are.
Internet Finds July 2020 Steve Costello (Approx. 406 words)
Internet Finds August 2020 Steve Costello (Approx. 357 words)
Interesting Internet Finds September 2020, Steve Costello (Approx. 376 words)
Internet Finds October 2020 Steve Costello (Approx. 383 words)
Keyboard Refresher Quiz, Jim Cerny (Approx. 445 words). Most of us have been using a computer keyboard for years, so you are probably comfortable using it. But a good review of these helpful keyboard keys can make your texting much easier.
Review - Windows Clipboard Secrets Revealed, Bob Woods (Approx. 420 words). I am sure you have noted that while Microsoft eventually gets around to include free functionality accessories, the freebies often leave a bit to be desired. A shining example is the built-in clipboard.
Tech Travels 2020, Greg Skalka (Approx. 2578 words). Greg has written before about using technology in his travels over the years. Life has had to take on a "new normal" and so has travel. While limited by the pandemic, there are still opportunities (and sometimes necessary reasons) to travel, and technology can still help, sometimes with new twists.
Thank Ben Franklin - For the Library, that is, Phil Sorrento (Approx. 1167 words). Ben Franklin is remembered for many things political and technical and he laid the groundwork for the public library system.
Those Nasty Pop-Up Ads, Jim Cerny (Approx. 820 words). You are going along just fine, enjoying a fun game on your device and you don't know how it happened or you touched the screen just a teeny bit and now you are playing a new game you didn't download called "try to get rid of this ad!"
Tiles - The Other GUI, Dick Maybach (Approx. 1015 words). All of us, whether our OS is Windows, OS-X, or Linux, use a graphical user interface that can be called WIMP, for its defining feature: Windows, Icons, Menus, and Pointer.
UEFI Configuration for Booting Live Media, Dick Maybach (Approx. 805 words). In modern PCs, the boot process is controlled by a Unified Extended Firmware Interface (UEFI), that has replaced the old Basic Input-Output System (BIOS).
Use keyboard commands to create screenshots in Win 10, John Stampfel (Approx. 328 words). John learns something new every day. To someone's question "In Windows 7 (or 8 or 10), is there a simple way to press "print screen and then just press one more key to have the image automatically stored in a .jog file with an auto-generated filename?"
Virtual Classes, Phil Sorrentino (Approx. 1196 words). The coronavirus has elevated teleconferencing to a level never seen before or maybe even ever expected. Before the coronavirus, it was almost exclusively used in the corporate world, but now everyone is familiar with it. Many educational classes are being held remotely using teleconferencing software.
What happens when your Zoom host has a power outage - and other happy tales, Greg Skalka (Approx. 1589 words). UCHUG's last physical meeting was the first week of March, since then they have met using Zoom. Greg is the host of the meeting and at one of the meetings, he had a power outage. Read about what happened.
Where's the Clipboard? - Still a good question, Phil Sorrentino (Approx. 1005 words). The clipboard has been an integral part of Windows for as long as Windows has been around. And the question of its location has been around almost as long.
Why Linux?, Jim Quinn (Approx. 781 words). Jim was putting a plan together for when he retires and decided to move from Windows to Linux and open-source software; maybe that is something you would like to do.
Why can't standards be standard?, Greg Skalka (Approx. 1510 words). Part of what makes our technology work so well is that it follows standards. Sometimes things change and while some changes have merit, others appear to be changed for the sake of change.
Wi-Fi 6 - What happened to b, g, b, ac?, Phil Sorrentino (Approx. 1194 words). Ever since Wi-Fi appeared around 2005, the Wi-Fi version has been described by a letter because of the letter reference used in the 802.11 Local Area Network standard. To simplify the designation for products, the Wi-Fi Alliance (the group responsible for certifying Wi-Fi products) decided to use numbers to designate the version.
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