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SLO Bytes PC Users' Group - September 2012 - Security Edition

The Google Redirect Virus, Penny Cano; Cajun Clickers Computer Club, LA (approx. 798 words). You search Google for something that interests you and get a series of Google web pages with links to websites with pertinent information. But this time, no matter which link you click on, it takes you to a website selling something that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of your search.

Hotel Wi-Fi Networks Installing Malware, Sandy Berger; COMPUKISS (approx. 592 words). If you travel, there is a new hacking scheme that you should be aware of. The FBI is warning travelers to watch out for malware that comes through hotel Internet connections.

Create Safe Passwords, Sandy Berger, COMPUKISS (approx. 730 words). Using passwords correctly is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your computer. If you use the same password for everything, read this article and make some changes as soon as possible.

How to Keep Data on Your Laptop Secure, Leo Notenboom, Ask Leo (approx. 690 words). Understandably, the biggest fear most people have about losing their laptops, is not actually centered on the laptop itself. The biggest fear is having sensitive information end up in the wrong hands.

Why You Might be Sending Spam; - Leo Notenboom, Ask Leo (approx. 611 words). There’s a lot of spam out there but it gets personal when someone tells you that it looks like spam is being sent from your email address.**

How Do I Keep People From Finding Me on the Internet?; - Leo Notenboom
**Leo Notenboom has selected articles that can be reprinted; most of his articles can’t.

Debunking Some Common Myths; - Mindi McDowell, US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (approx. 593 words). Mindi’s articles include some common myths that may influence your reader’s online security practices. Knowing the truth will allow them to make better decisions about how to protect themselves.

Real-World Warnings Keep You Safe Online; - Mindi McDowell and Matt Lytle, US Computer Emergency Response Team (approx. 687 words). Like the real world, technology and the Internet present dangers as well as benefits. Just as you take precautions in the real world to protect yourself, you need to take precautions to protect yourself online.

It may not be ZOOMBIES, but it could be worse…virus, malware and identity theft!; - Lou Torraca, The TUG MOAA (approx. 657 words). A recap of Bob G’s avast! presentation to his group.

Microsoft Windows Telephone Scam – BEWARE!; (no author cited)(approx. 476 words). This really happened to a user group member in California. He was a victim of a phone scam involving Microsoft. Not the "real" Microsoft.

More Free Utilities to Clean Hijacked PCs; - Ira Wilsker (approx. 1,492 words). Hardly a week goes by when someone doesn’t get in touch with Ira asking for help with a computer that has been hijacked by one of the thousands of variants of a type of malware generally known as “Rogue Antivirus.” In addition to the Kaspersky utilities, we need to know about these free utilities that can be used to clean hijacked PCs.
Note: If you haven’t had Ira give his security presentation to your members, you should get in touch with him….it’s really interesting and informative.

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month; - by Ira Wilsker (approx. 2,186 words). Regular readers of Ira’s articles are well aware that one of the most frequent topics covered is cyber security. Most computer users are blissfully unaware of the degree of cybercrime that is currently taking place, and the current threats to our computing safety. Note: Don’t forget to sign your group up as an NCSAM Champion!

TrendMicro Releases 2013 Versions of its Security Software; - Ira Wilsker (approx. 1,466 words). Every fall, industry releases its new “year” of models; we see new cars, new appliances, and new security software. This is Ira’s review of TrendMicro’s security products.

Free Virus and Malware Removal Tools from Kaspersky; - Ira Wilsker (approx. 1,348 words). Kaspersky offers a comprehensive collection of free utilities to detect and remove viruses and other malware, including ransomware, and rogue software, from infected computers.

Secure Your Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connection; - Ira Wilsker (approx. 1,609 words). Almost all newer laptops as well as tablets, smartphones, video game consoles, and home entertainment systems utilize Wi-Fi as a primary or secondary method of connecting to the internet or some other network. Is your Wi-Fi secure?

ID Theft & Fraud, - (approx. 947 words). When dealing with cybercrime, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure. Cybercrime can, at best, wreak havoc in victim’s lives through major inconvenience and annoyance. At worst, cybercrime can lead to financial ruin and potentially threaten a victim’s reputation, personal safety, and even his or her life. Note: This article came in handy last week; one of my students and her roommate are the victims of ID theft and I gave them both a copy of the article. Hewie Poplock is giving an ID theft presentation at my group’s October meeting.

Social Networks; - (approx. 569 words). Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networks have become an integral part of online lives. Social networks are a great way to stay connected with others, but you should be wary about how much personal information you post.

Can QR Codes Spread Computer Viruses?; - Bob Rankin, Ask Bob Rankin (approx. 676 words). Any doubts Bob may have had about the viability of QR codes has evaporated. You know a new technology is catching on when malware authors start using it to snare unwary users.

Two-Factor Authentication; - Bob Rankin, Ask Bob Rankin (approx. 929 words). Okay, it sounds geeky but it’s important – two-factor login security isn’t all that complicated and it can save your bacon from hackers and ID thieves.
*Rankin has given me permission to send his articles via PUSH as long as the entire URL links are included. Some are really long so I’ve included shortened links.

VIPRE; - Susan Kennedy; -TUGNET (approx. 946 words). VIPRE was a Southwest Technology & Computer Conference sponsor and this is Susan’s review of their presentation. If you aren’t familiar with VIPRE by GFI Software, you might want to give their anti-virus and/or security suite a try.

These articles have been provided to APCUG by the author solely for publication by APCUG member groups.

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