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SLO Bytes Newsletter - August 2008 - PUSH Article Descriptions

Email Etiquette by John Roy, President, The PC Users Group of Connecticut, (approx. 864 words).
Do you really know how to forward an e-mail? It is estimated that over 50% of email users do not know how to do it properly. We can't publish this info in our newsletters too many times - everyone needs to be educated on the importance of how to forward e-mails.

E-Mailing Photographs by Richard Kennon, Editor, Amador Computer Users Group, CA (approx. 1,198 words).
A good tutorial on how to make a photo e-mailable.

Firefox 3 - Hot New Browser by Ira Wilsker, APCUG Director; Columnist, The Examiner, Beaumont TX; Radio and TV Show Host (approx. 1,290 words).
After a length wait, Mozilla has released the latest and greatest release of the very popular web browser, Firefox 3. This new release has many new features, making it a very strong competitor to Microsoft's ubiquitous browser, Internet Explorer.

For Anybody Who Has Thought About Trying Linux by Drew Kwashnak, Linux SIG Leader, Danbury Area Computer Society, CT (approx. 993 words).
For anybody who has thought about trying Linux, it has become easier than ever before with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron. As with most Linux distributions, Ubuntu is available as a free download and is freely distributable.

From My Vista by Rob Limbaugh, President, Danbury Area Computer Society, CT (approx. 963 words).
Just about every year, Rob makes some sort of 'major' effort to move forward with technology in some way and this year it was time to make the move to Vista. He tells us about the steps he following after formatting his HD: Check compatibility, Backup data, Install, Post-install issues, Reality check, Supporting apps, and where he stood at the end of the process.

I'm Asked…. by Bill Funk, a member of the Arizona Association for Computer Information, ins. (ASCII) (approx. 721 words). Bill just bought a Digital SLR camera and the built-in flash isn't as powerful as he needs so he bought a new flash. It's the same brand as his camera, and is supposed to be all automatic, but the photos aren't right. Find out how he uses the flash to make the pictures better.

Moving on to Vista, Part 8 by Neil Stahfest, Librarian, Tacoma Area PCUG, WA (approx. 707 words).
Windows Vista is becoming more popular every day, but there are still several special features that few people are aware of. Find out what some of them are in this article.

The New, The Best, and The Worst - May 2008, collected by Pim Borman, Webmaster, SW Indiana PCUG (approx. 1,282 words).
No new and/or best o report on this month - only Trouble with a Capital "T": Spinrite 6, Acronis, and Unbuntu

Painter 4 Essentials, a First Impression by Dave Chalmers, Editor, Kern Independent PCUG, CA (approx. 554 words).
Corel's demo of their product at the recent Southwest Computer Conference showed one new product that really interested Dave, Corel Painter 4 Essentials. Painter has a great feature that will auto paint or draw from a photo. In this mode you pick a style from many artistic techniques and stand back.

Skype 4.0 by Joe Nuvolini, Webmaster & APCUG Rep, Pikes Peak Computer Application Society, CO (approx. 519 words).
Joe has been a Skype subscriber for several years and thinks that the latest version of Skype would be ideal for vendors to use to make presentations.

Uniblue Registry Booster 2 by Terry Currier, Vice President & Webmaster, WINdows users (WINNERS), CA (approx. 522 words). Terry has tested a number of programs on his secondary test computer over the years and was finding that it was taking a while for it to boot up. He decided to give Uniblue's Registry Booster a try and found 459 problems/errors. He finds is very easy to use and at $29.95 is a good value.

Viewing the Bigger Picture by Bonnie L. Snyder, P*PCompAS, CO (approx. 831 words).
At the risk of being the bearer of bad news, Bonnie says that none of us is getting any younger. User groups tend to be populated more by senior citizens than by any other age group and as we age, we find the need for more and more assistive aids, including those that will help us to use our computers more comfortable and efficiently.

Windows Vista Performance by Lynn Page, (approx. 2,189 words).
Lynn has noticed a slowdown at times when using her laptop. So she gives us some standard ideas to get the best possible performance from our Windows Vista computer.

Your Next Computer Will Be Green by Marjie Tucker, Editor, Mountain Computer User Group, GA (approx. 1,053 words).
With Europe leading the way, the computer industry is decidedly becoming "green." The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) directives went into effect earlier this year. These two directives state that certain electrical and electronic equipment must cut down on hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium.


These articles have been provided to APCUG by the author solely for publication by APCUG member groups. All other uses require the permission of the author (see e-mail address above).

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