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PUSH Articles - June 2016

7 Quick Tips for Windows and Office by Nancy DeMarte, Sarasota TUG, FL (Approx. 848 words). Print layout, keystroke combos, arrow keys, tricks with Tables and more….

Ad/Popup Blockers and the Internet Advertising War by Mike Morris (Approx. 975 words). Interesting article of ad and popup blockers - I used the info for a mini-presentation to my group.

Apple COREnerd by Gary Roerig, Front Range PCUG, CO (Approx. 370 words). This article is for Apple users in an effort to keep abreast of some tips and tricks as well as new features.

Apple TV for More TV Viewing Options by Jim Cerny, Sarasota TUG (Approx. 798 words). Apple TV is a neat little box device you plug into a power outlet and into the back of your TV for a whole lot of fun TV viewing options.

Backing Up Using Windows File History by Tom Burt, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club, NV (Approx. 695 words). It can't be stressed enough that computer users need to back up their PC's data files regularly. Without backups, the inevitable failure of a PC's disk drive means that all that data becomes lost permanently - use Windows File History to back up that important data.

Broadband Internet Technology by Dick Maybach, Brookdale CUG, NJ (Approx. 1619 words). Early computer communication used voice-frequency modems and telephone lines, but this technology limits the bandwidth to less than 56 kbits/s. Initially, this was OK as files were small and most communication used only text.

Building or Buying a Computer in 2016 by Bart Koslow, Channel Islands PCUG, CA (Approx. 2055 words). Whether you buy or build a new computer, there are a number of important things to know to obtain the best computer for the money you wish to spend. Is it better to build or buy a new computer?

How to Take Better Photos with Your Smartphone by Stu Gershon, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club, NV (Approx. 262 words). Four tips on how to take better pics with your Smartphone.

Interesting Internet Finds-February by Steve Costello, Boca Raton Computer Society (Approx. 308 words)

Interesting Internet Finds-March by Steve Costello, Boca Raton Computer Society (Approx. 327 words)

Interesting Internet Finds-April by Steve Costello, Boca Raton Computer Society (Approx. 326 words)

Internet Security by Dick Maybach, Brookdale CUG, NJ (Approx. 1584 words). A personal computer is secure until you connect it to the Internet, which is why the title of this article isn't "Computer Security," however, without communications, a PC loses much of its value.

Irfan View Review by Joe Nuvolini, Pikes Peak Computer Application Association, CO (Approx. 413 words). Irfran View is one of Joe's favorite programs and it is 20 years old this year.

Microsoft "Edge - The New Web Browser with Windows 10 by Jim Cerny, Sarasota TUG, FL (Approx. 737 words). One of the apps (programs) that come free with Win 10 is their new web browser called Edge which is supposed to replace Microsoft's Internet Explorer.

Music Notation Software - Meeting Review by Andy Woodruff, Danbury Area Computer Society, CT (Approx. 841 words). Music notation software is the application for music composition. A composer can write musical notes in a music notation application and when print professional-looking music scores.

Musings of an Apple Tyro-February by Lorrin R. Garson, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (Approx. 880 words). MacKeeper Users Exposed, Apple Magic Mouse Disconnecting, Much Faster Memory and Storage Coming and more….

Musings of an Apple Tyro-March by Lorrin R. Garson, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (Approx. 950 words). OS X El Capitan - Installation, Performance, Mail and more in this article.

Musings of an Apple Tyro-April by Lorrin R. Garson, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (Approx. 772 words). First "In the Wild" Ransomware for Apple, PC Sales Down but Apple Up and more….

My Experience with Windows 10 by Jim Cerny, Sarasota TUG, FL (Approx. 817 words). You can spend a lot of time researching all about Win 10 on the Internet and what Jim has found is really too much information, more information than he needs or would use.

OneNote is a perfect computer junk drawer by John Weigle, Channel Islands PCUG, CA (Approx. 1747 words). OneNote is a fantastic tool to save and recover information. Meeting review by John….

Open Source Software of the Month - February by Geof Goodrum, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (Approx. 790 words). Gramps (Orv Beach gave a presentation on this program at the Winter FTC) and more….

Open Source Software of the Month - March by Geof Goodrum (Approx. 641 words). Kernel Source - v4.4.1, LibreOffice, Pingus and more….

Open Source Software of the Month - April by Geof Goodrum (Approx. 617 words) Kernel Source - v4.4.3, Periodic table of Elements, Beyond the Horizon - v1, ProjectLibre and more…

PDF File Type - What and Why? by Phil Sorrentino, The Computer Club, FL (Approx. 1147 words). The PDF file type has been around since 1993 when Adobe Systems made the specification available to all, free of charge. However, PDF was initially a proprietary format, controlled by Adobe, until it was officially released as an Open Standard in 2008.

Safeguarding Windows 10> by Dick Maybach, Brookdale CUG, NJ (Approx. 1089 words). If you have taken advantage of the free upgrade to Win 10, you're vulnerable to losing it as well as your data if you don't make some preparations…..

Should I Buy a Chromebook by John Moss, Member, Green Valley Computer Club, AZ (Approx. 525 words). Chromebooks are lightweight laptops that run an operating system called Chrome OS

Try the Presenter View in PowerPoint by Nancy DeMarte, Sarasota TUG (Approx. 663 words). One of the most helpful new features in Microsoft's PowerPoint 2013 is a tool for people who do presentations. The purpose of the Presenter View is to give the speaker more control over the presentation.

Ultra High Definition TV - Do I need one? by Phil Sorrentino, The Computer Club, FL (Approx. 1009 words). This seems to be the latest in advertised TV developments (maybe with the exception of curved TV screens).

Update Upsets by Greg Skalka, Under the Computer Hood UG, CA (Approx. 1541 words). More and more of the things we own and use require updates, and a lot of them require updating more and more….

USB is changing as technology advances by Bart Koslow, Channel Islands PCUG, CA (Approx. 394 words). USB-C? USB 3.1 generation 1 and 2?

What's New? - Blu-Toque review by George Harding, Tucson Computer Society (Approx. 499 words). Bluetooth is gaining in popularity and usefulness. How about a Bluetooth Beanie?

What's New? - D-Link Wi-Fi Camera by George Harding, Tucson Computer Society (Approx. 568 words). This product is an example of IoT (Internet of Things) functionality. You can control a device with your smartphone.

What's New? - Ripple Coffee Maker by George Harding, Tucson Computer Society (Approx. 177). This just might be a gadget for the person who has everything.

Your Internet Connection by Jim Cerny, Sarasota TUG (Approx. 696 words). Today more people have and use more than one computer device that can connect to the Internet. This article looks at how you can easily determine the answer to that all important question: Am I connected to the Internet?

These articles have been provided to APCUG by the author solely for publication by APCUG member groups. All other uses require the permission of the author (see e-mail address above).

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