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PUSH Articles - March 2020

Tech Trek, Part 1 - Traveling with Technology, Greg Skalka, Under the Computer Hood UG (Approx. 1812 words). We all use a lot of technology in our everyday lives - various devices and services that make our lives easier. When we travel, we usually want to take all those benefits along with us.

Tech Trek, Part 2 - The Tech You Leave Behind, Greg Skalka (Approx. 2206 words). Many of the tech devices and services we use every day are the "don't leave home with them" kind you will insist on taking on your trips. Just as with trip planning, making arrangements to protect your assets while away must be done well in advance. There are lots of ways technology can help, but few benefits can come when planning starts the night before.

Video Conferencing for Clubs, Dick Maybach (Approx. 942 words). Many clubs have periodic general meetings, often with refreshments, speakers, and perhaps demonstrations or hands-on activities. The social interactions, including the welcoming of prospective members, are vital for the organization's health. Equally important are the committee meetings that support the organization. It may be more efficient to conduct some of these meetings as video conferences.

Why is My Computer So Slow? David Kretchmar, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club (Approx. 968 words). There are plenty of computers being used that are performing much more slowly than they should. One of the quickest ways to turn a fast, new computer into a slow system crippled by malware is to start downloading what you think is good software from the wrong sites, or by downloading the wrong software from what appears to be the right site.

Wi-Fi Security - Which one, WEP, WPA, or WPA2 Phil Sorrentino, The Computer Club (Approx. 1156 words). Well, it finally happened. I tried to add another device to my home Wi-Fi network and I couldn't. I have been in fear of this happening for the last few years…..

Windows 10 screen saver to display your photos John Krout, Potomac Area Technology and Computer System (Approx. 1544 words). You are swimming, or perhaps sinking, in an ocean of photos. Your relatives and friends send photos all the time. You can turn these photos into an entertaining and personalized slide show screen saver on your Windows computer. Read this article to learn how.

Windows FREE Snip and Sketch Tool is new and replacing the old Jim Cerny, Sarasota Technology Users Group (Approx. 553 words). This tool is intended to REPLACE and old "Snipping Tool" but MS actually did something to actually help us users this time - they kept the old tool! So you can play and learn the new Snip and Sketch and still use the old tool

5G is Coming Jeff Wilkinson, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club (Approx. 512 words). 5G is the designation for the upcoming 5th generation cellular network technology. This tech, which had the standards set at the end of 2017, promises to bring faster speeds than the current 4G tech in use by most cell phones today…..

A Recent Scam Experience Jeff Wilkinson (Approx. 803 words). Recently I received the "Social Security" scam call, the recorded message informing me that I should call an 800 number because…..

Cable or Air? - What's your choice? Phil Sorrentino (Approx. 1042 words). Most TVs default to cable, so if you get your TV programming via a cable company like Spectrum or Frontier, you don't have to answer this question. But, if you want to get "broadcast TV," you will have to select "air" when given the choice.

CD Players - Where did they go? What about all my music CDs? Phil Sorrentino (Approx. 1222 words). CD players used to be all around us, well, at least they could be found in our computers and our automobiles, but not so anymore. In the age of streaming Netflix videos and Delivery of Software Applications by downloads, CD players have lost their significance. If you feel you need a CD player on your computer, you can add an external one.

Cleanup for the NEW YEAR 2020 Jim Cerny, Sarasota Technology Users Group (Approx. 738 words). It's time to give your Windows computer a good look and clean out all the junk! I bet most people clean their garage more often than their computer.

Desktop vs. Laptop Dan Douglas, Space Coast PCUG (Approx. 682 words). At a recent learning center meeting, the topic of what was better to get, in my opinion, a desktop or laptop? We agreed to include various other devices in the category of laptops - tablets, Chromebooks, netbooks, notebooks, etc. Dan's article takes a look at the various factors that should influence your decision.

February 1 was national change your password day Dorothy Fitch Editor, GVR Computer Club, AZ (Approx. 391 words)(Approx. 391 words) Did you know that there is a special day that should inspire you to change your passwords?

File Extensions Jim Cerny (Approx. 728 words). So, someone sends you a file attached to their email - you try to open the file and you can't, why is that?

Responses to the question How has artificial intelligence (AI) has changed your life? Stephen D. Ambrosini, CLU ChFC (Approx. 601 words)

Interdrone Conference George Harding, Tucson Computer Society (Approx. 453 words). The Interdrone Conference, as you might guess, is about drones: how they are being used in industry, agriculture, first response, fire, police and more.

Interesting Internet Finds - January Steve Costello (Approx. 372 words).

Interesting Internet Finds - February Steve Costello (Approx. 455 words).

Is "Refurbished" Worth the Price? Paul Baecker, Sterling Heights Computer Club (Approx. 503 words). Paul recently went shopping for a cable modem to eliminate the rental cost of the one supplied by my ISP. After doing some online research, I decided on a capable Arris model and found it at a local retailer. The store had some new ones but also had some refurbished ones for about half the price of the new ones.

LibreOffice - A Powerful, Free Office Suite Tom Burt, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club (Approx. 581 words). LibreOffice is a free full-featured open-source office suite that is very highly compatible with MS Office. It is offered and supported by the Open Document Foundation…

Linux Mint 19.3 Cal Esneault, Cajun Clickers Computer Club (Approx. 400 words). It is possible to upgrade directly to Mint 19.3 from any previous 19 x version. These "in-place" upgrades do not affect personal files or bookmarks…

Samsung SmartSwitch app John Krout, Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (Approx. 1487 words). The Samsun data transfer app called SmartSwitch, like ContentTransfer, provides a capability to transfer data wirelessly between two phones running the app.

Making Windows 10 Look and Act Like Windows 7 - Tom Burt, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club (Approx. 1346 words). Coming from Windows 7 to Windows 10 you might find the new user interface unappealing or difficult to navigate - especially the Settings interface. Tom's article offers some ways to set up Windows 10 so that it looks and acts much like Windows 7.

Need Help with Windows 10? Try Troubleshooting Nancy DeMarte, Sarasota Technology Users Group (Approx. 847 words). Microsoft has issued updates to its operating system for as many years as it has been in the software business. Early updates were primarily security-based. Later, feature updates were included on the second Tuesday of the month. How Troubleshoot works depends on the seriousness of the problem.

Office Tips and Tricks Dorothy Fitch, Green Valley Computer Club (Approx. 228 words).

Organizational Communication Dick Maybach, Brookdale Computer UG (Approx. 1240 words). A major responsibility of any organization is to provide communication both among its members and with those outside. There are many ways to accomplish this…

PC Organization Dick Maybach (Approx. 1105 words). Our PCs often hold thousands of files, hundreds of email messages, and dozes of applications often making it difficult to find what we want. Organizing information on a PC after several years of use is such a daunting task that it's easy to put off. Instead, treat getting organization as a goal, realizing that you'll probably never reach, but as you make progress, you'll find you're getting more efficient.

Staying Safe Online - A Rational Approach Pam Holland, Tech-Moxie (Approx. 1075 words). This article suggests thinking about protecting your data as you might approach protecting your home.

System Monitoring Tools Frank Fota, Editor, Fredericksburg PCUG (Approx. 252 words). Have you ever wanted to view the impact a program has on your computer's performance? A quick internet search reveals that there are many monitoring tools available. Some are freeware and others requirement payment. Some are bundled with system utilities and Microsoft has a "Resource Monitor" that can be run from a Command Prompt or via the search box.

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These articles have been provided to APCUG by the author solely for publication by APCUG member groups. All other uses require the permission of the author (see e-mail address above).

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