SLO Bytes Newsletter - February 2009 - PUSH Article Descriptions
How to switch Internet browsers, written by Sandy Berger, (Approx. 920 words). Microsoft's Internet Explorer is a software program that comes on all computers that use the Windows OS. You don't, however, have to use IE. There are several other Internet browsers available.
Improving Vista Performance, written by Vinny La Bash, a member of the Sarasota PCUG, Florida, (Approx. 927 words). Microsoft has added security features in Vista which didn't exist in XP. There are new functions and while the graphics are really neat, they can give your system a big performance hit if you don't have enough memory.
Juice Your Broadband Speed, written by Vinny La Bash, a member of the Sarasota PCUG, Florida, (Approx. 798 words). People prefer broadband Internet connections because of the obvious speed advantages over dial-up and satellite links. Then why is it that broadband never seems to be fast enough?
Magic Word Brings E-mail to the Offline World, a review by Gabe Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (Approx. 523 words). If you've ever wondered how to bring E-mail to the techno-phobe in your life, the answer isn't Abracadabra, it's Presto.
Moving on to Vista - Part 13, written by Neil Stahfest, Librarian, Tacoma Area PC User Group, WA, (Approx. 601 words). The changes are the first peripheral device you purchased for your computer was a printer. You may have even received a "free" printer when you purchased your computer. You install it and are a happy camper. But, wait. Have you examined your printer to discover all of its functions?
Moving to a New Mac, written by Richard Corzo, Director, Danbury Area Computer Society, CT, (Approx. 1,426 words). Follow Richard through the steps of setting up his new iMac.
Photoshop CS4 Has Arrived, reviewed by Ron Hirsch, Contributing Editor, Boca Raton Computer Society, FL, (Approx. 1,935 words). Adobe has been releasing a new version about every 18 months, and they are right on track for this new version (version 11). Ron has been reviewing Photoshop since version 2.5, and it really has come a long way.
Sandbox Computing, written by Brian K. Lewis, PhD, a member of the Sarasota PCUG, Florida, (Approx. 1,350 words). Brian's Sandbox experience is based on using the software application "Sandboxie" with Windows XP and Firefox 3.0.
Significant Bits, February 2009, written by Sean N. Henderson, VP, Marketing & Public Relations, Danbury Area Computer Society, CT, (Approx. 1,007 words). Sean received Nero 9, a CD/DVD burning suite with some authoring and backup tools as well for Christmas. He has a combination of software pieces on his machine that, in some way, do some or all of what Nero 9 claims it can do. However, the promise of having all of the tasks integrated into a single package seemed appealing. Opera Mini and Palm TX and Editing Just About Anything are also included in this article.
Tech News Tidbits, written by Terry Roberts, President, ICON (Interactive Computer Owner's Network), MO, (Approx 593 words). His intention for writing this article is to help us understand technology's emerging trends that affect our everyday lives.
There is More to Music than the iPod®, written by Mike Morris, Editor, Front Range PCUG, Colorado, (Approx. 1,824 words). There is more to music-and move to life-than the iPod. Please don't misunderstand Mike, he admires the iPod as a successful product-a success technically and financially-even though he doesn't have one. However…..
Broadsides, written by Ron Broadhurst, Space Coast PC Users Group, FL (Approx. 663 words). How to have Windows remind you about pending updates; How to download available updates; Customize the Start Menu; Add familiar icons back to your desktop; and How to find your IP address in WinXP are included in this article.
Circuit Writer Version 6.6, written by Jim Scheef, Director, Danbury Area Computer Society, CT (approx. 980 words). Ver 6.6 includes information about: Is the cloud really DRM in disguise?, The CAN-SPAM Act as a warning, Is your DSL router vulnerable?, the Julie Amero ordeal is finally over, and Events to remember?
Consumer Electronics Show 2009, written by Joe Nuvolini, President, Pikes Peak Computer Application Society, CO, (Approx. 1.225 words). Follow Joe as he attends the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show from Wednesday through Sunday. You will get a flavor of what's new in the electronics / technology arena.
Diagnosing RAM Errors in Vista, written by Vinny La Bash, a member of the Sarasota PCUG, Florida (approx. 738 words). There is nothing useful that can happen in your PC without RAM. That's why it's essential to have high quality, reliable memory chips installed on your equipment.
File Management - Part One, written by Ron Hirsch, Contributing Editor, Boca Raton Computer Society, Florida, (Approx. 1,241 words). What exactly does Ron mean when he says file management? He can hear you saying "Who needs to fool around with that stuff. I have too many real things to concern myself with. My computer takes care of all those things anyway, doesn't it? Well, the answer is yes and no.
How can I keep my PC clean and tidy?. written by Gabe Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc. (Approx. 715 words). Like changing your car's oil or replacing your home's air conditioner filter, a little PC cleaning pays off with a faster, more reliable, and longer-lasting computer.
How to send an E-mail message to any cell phone, written by Ken Peters, Product Review / Special Interests, Hilton Head Island Computer Club, (Approx. 399 words). Impress your kids, grandkids and friends with your ability to text. Send a text message to their cell phone by E-mail from your computer.
These articles have been provided to APCUG by the author solely for publication by APCUG member groups. All other uses require the permission of the author (see e-mail address above).
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